Draft Ellipse

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Draft Ellipse

Системное название
Draft Ellipse
Расположение в меню
Черчение -> Эллипс
Draft, Arch
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Инструмент Ellipse создает эллипс в текущей work plane, введя две точки, определяя угол прямоугольного прямоугольника, в котором будет располагаться эллипс. Он берет linewidth and color, предварительно установленный на вкладке «Задачи».

How to use

  1. Press the Draft Ellipse button, or press E then L keys
  2. Click a first point on the 3D view, or type a coordinate
  3. Click a second point on the 3D view, or type a coordinate


  • To enter coordinates manually, simply enter the numbers, then press ENTER between each X, Y and Z component.
  • Press T or click the checkbox to check/uncheck the Continue button. If continue mode is on, the Ellipse tool will restart after you give the second point, allowing you to draw another ellipse without pressing the Ellipse button again.
  • Press CTRL while drawing to force snapping your point to the nearest snap location, independently of the distance.
  • Press SHIFT while drawing to constrain your second point horizontally or vertically in relation to the first one.
  • Press I or the Filled button to have the ellipse filled with a face after it has been closed
  • Press ESC or the Cancel button to abort the command.
  • Ellipses, when in "Flat Lines" display mode, can display a hatch pattern, by setting their "Pattern" property below.


  • ДанныеMajor Radius: The major radius of the ellipse
  • ДанныеMinor Radius: The minor radius of the ellipse
  • ДанныеMake Face: Fills the ellipse with a face
  • ВидPattern: Specifies a hatch pattern to fill the ellipse with
  • ВидPattern Size: Specifies the size of the hatch pattern

See also Draft Pattern page.


The Ellipse tool can by used in macros and from the python console by using the following function:

makeEllipse (majorradius, minorradius, [placement], [facemode])
  • Creates an ellipse object with given major and minor radius.
  • If a placement is given, it is used.
  • If facemode is False, the ellipse is shown as a wireframe, otherwise as a face.
  • Returns the newly created object.


import Draft
myEllipse = Draft.makeEllipse(4,2)