Continuous Integration/Integrarea continuă

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 10:31, 27 September 2017 by Waverider (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== TravisCI === 50px|left Teste despre comportarea sub Linux şi OSX. Fişierul configuraţie se numeşte [")

== Continuous Integration == Currently the FreeCAD repo on GitHub will trigger a build on the below two CI systems. Between these systems pretty much all the main cross-platforms OSs are coveredː Linux, MacOSX, and Windows. CIs can also be used to run unit tests.


Teste despre comportarea sub Linux şi OSX. Fişierul configuraţie se numeşte .travis.yml şi se află ăn directorul de bază al FreeCAD. Pentru a vedea versiunea curentă şi cele trecute:ː


Tests against Windows. The config file is called appveyor.yml and it lives in the top directory of FreeCAD. To view current and previous Appveyor buildsː


- If you add [skip ci] or [ci skip] to a git commit it will cancel a CI build.
