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From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 17:47, 3 November 2015 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)


FreeCAD 是通用且開源的三維 CAD/MCAD/CAx/CAE/PLM 建模工具, 目標直指機械工程產品設計,也面向更廣泛的工程應用,例如建築或其他工程領域。FreeCAD 以參數化特徵建模為核心功能,基於模塊化的軟體架構而實現,可在不改動系統核心的的前提下進行功能擴展。

FreeCAD 建立於強大的幾何核心 OpenCasCade 之上,採用 Coin 3D 提供的與 Open Inventor 兼容的三維場景模型,並提供豐富的 Python 應用程式接口,其圖形交互界面基於 Qt 實現。FreeCAD 能夠確保在 Windows, Mac OS X 與 Linux 平台上運行時用戶交互界面的一致性。

File:Right arrow.png 了解更多...


  • 基於 Open CASCADE Technology 的完整的幾何核心,對 brep, nurbs, 布爾運算與倒角 (fillet) 等概念提供原生支持,可完成複雜形狀類型的三維運算
  • File:Feature6.jpg
    支持以插件(模塊)形式對核心功能進行擴展的模塊化的軟體架構。所實現的擴展可以像一個全新的應用程式那樣複雜,也可像 Python 腳本 或所錄製的 macros 那樣簡單


  • 具備約束求值的草圖 (Sketcher) 模塊,以實現具有幾何約束的二維形狀草圖建模。目前 草圖模塊支持多種幾何約束類型,可使用它們作為 FreeCAD 中其他對象的構建基礎。
  • 工程製圖 (Drawing sheets)模塊,用於生成三維模型的二維視圖,並能以 SVG 或 PDF 格式輸出。該模塊雖然仍缺乏許多功能,但是已經具備了強大的 Python 接口支持。
  • 機器人仿真模塊,可用於研究機器人運動。該模塊目前已具備一個寬泛的圖形界面,可僅僅通過圖形交互界面進行機器人運動仿真。
  • 渲染模塊,可導出三維對象,以供外部渲染工具實現模型渲染,目前僅支持povray,但是將來有望擴展到其他渲染工具。
  • 建築模塊,支持 BIM 風格的工作流程,併兼容 IFC。建築模塊的設計與實現還在社區討論階段,見這裡


FreeCAD 手冊提供致力於提供有關 FreeCAD 使用的最好的文檔,依賴於社區的努力該文當尚在撰寫中,目前已有多種語言的版本。這份文檔依然缺乏許多信息,如果你有空閒時間請給予幫助!



開發路線頁面可獲得有關開發計劃的一些新聞,在更改記錄路線圖頁面中可獲得當前版本至下一版本發行過程中的一些動態,或者在項目統計頁面查閱有關 FreeCAD 代碼庫的更為詳細的信息。有關開發的所有事宜通過論壇溝通交流,如果你有興趣,那麼一定要前往。


FreeCAD 可通過 cMake 或 autotools 進行編譯,SVN 代碼倉庫地址位於 https://free-cad.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/free-cad/trunk ,編譯指南可根據作業系統環境參考 Windows, Unix/LinuxMacOSX

FreeCAD 項目需要你的幫助

FreeCAD 會受益於你的幫助, 可以參與測試與Bug 報告,或者參與指南的撰寫。我們也缺乏 Mac OS X 平台的用戶,如果你有一台 mac 機器,請幫助我們!另外,也歡迎你參與FreeCAD 本地化翻譯工作。如果你熟悉 C++ 或 Python 編程並且願意參與開發,那就更好了,請到論壇聯繫我們!

訂閱 FreeCAD!


This is the documentation wiki of FreeCAD. The information contained here is what forms the offline documentation shipped with FreeCAD itself. You have two main ways to browse through the documentation: by exploring user hubs, or by following the manual. It is a work in progress, written by the community of users and developers of FreeCAD. If you find information that is wrong or missing, please help!

User hubs

Below are the three main entry points to the documentation, for the three broad categories of FreeCAD users:

  • Users hub: For normal users, explains how to install and use the FreeCAD application and the contents of the different workbenches
  • Power users hub: For advanced users, explains how to use macros and python scripting to enhance your workflow
  • Developers hub: For developers, explains how to write code for the FreeCAD application, extend it or use it in your own applications


The FreeCAD manual is another, more linear way to present the articles contained in this wiki. It forms the backbone of the offline documentation shipped with the FreeCAD application. It is already available in several languages:

Get involved

How to participate

There is plenty to do inside the FreeCAD project, if you are interested in helping us. There are programming tasks, for C++ or python programmers, but there are also many things you can do even if you cannot code, such as writing documentation, helping newcomers, translating the application and documentation, help packaging the latest release of FreeCAD for your favourite operating system, or simply help other people to discover FreeCAD around you. The help FreeCAD page describes it all with more details.

Source code

FreeCAD can be compiled using cMake. The git link is https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD and there are build instructions for Windows, Unix/Linux and MacOSX.

About the development

Check the Development roadmap for news about what is being planned, the Changelog and Roadmap pages on the FreeCAD tracker to see the progresses towards next release, or the Project statistics for even more information about the FreeCAD codebase. All the development communication happens on the forum, so be sure to visit it if you are interested in participating.