Render Workbench

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 20:19, 10 September 2023 by Roy 043 (talk | contribs) (Workbench icon)
Render Workbench icon


The Render Workbench let's you produce high-quality images from FreeCAD models, using open-source external rendering engines.

A pure Python workbench, Render is seamlessly integrated in FreeCAD: the whole rendering scene - objects, lighting, materials, camera... - can be described with FreeCAD objects, to be exported to external renderers.

Compared with other approaches based on third-part computer graphics applications, Render aims to:

  • Avoid the user to learn another 3D/computer graphics software: everything you need to know is in FreeCAD.
  • Simplify rendering workflow and relieve user from any intermediate file manipulation - like import, export, scene retouching etc.
  • Make scene configuration persistent and especially prevent rework in an external tool each time the model has been modified.

Supported renderers

At the moment, 6 rendering engines are supported:

  • LuxCoreRender
  • Appleseed
  • Cycles (standalone version)
  • Pov-Ray
  • Intel Ospray Studio
  • Pbrt-v4 (experimental)


In quick-start mode, after workbench installation has correctly been done, rendering a FreeCAD model is just a 4-steps process:

  1. Create a rendering project: Press the button in the toolbar corresponding to your renderer and select a template suitable for your renderer (you may start with a 'studio' flavour, like appleseed_studio_light.appleseed, cycles_studio_light.xml, luxcore_studio_light.cfg, povray_studio_light.pov etc.)
  2. Add views of your objects to your rendering project: Select both the objects and the project, and press the 'Add view' button
  3. Set your point of view: [Navigate in FreeCAD 3D View]( to the desired position and switch to _Perspective_ mode.
  4. Render: Select your project and press the 'Render' button in toolbar (also available in project's context menu).

...and you should get a first rendering of your model.

More instructions can be found on the GitHub repository or in online help.


Features include, but are not limited to:

  • Lightings: point lights, area lights, sun-sky and preset lighting templates.
  • Cameras.
  • Material management (using usual shaders: matte, glossy, glass, principled etc.), including textures.
  • Batch mode / UI mode.
  • Denoiser.
  • Halt condition (sample per pixel).
  • Meshing control: angular and linear deflections, auto-smoothing.


More info? Just follow the link: