Macro BoundingBox Tracing

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 11:34, 31 October 2023 by FBXL5 (talk | contribs)

Macro BoundingBox Tracing

Diese Makro-rote Spur (editierbar) um die BoundingBox mit 6 Rechtecken.

Versionsmakro : 0.12
Datum der letzten Änderung : 2021/07/10
FreeCAD version : All
Herunterladen : ToolBar Icon
Autor: Mario52
ToolBar Icon
Datum der letzten Änderung
Siehe auch


This macro creates a red outline of the BoundingBox (6 Faces with 6 rectangles) of an object, display the dimension of the rectangle, create volume of boundBox.

BoundingBox Tracing macro in action

Verwenden Sie

  1. Wählen Sie das Objekt
  2. starten Sie das Makro
Result: 6 Rechtecke sind rot (kann geändert werden)

Info contener


Konfiguration: siehe Zeile 61 to 84


Laden Sie das Dateibild herunter und kopieren Sie es in Ihr Makro-Repertorium.

Download the file image and copy in to your macro directory.

Klicken Sie auf das Bild, positionieren Sie im neuen Fenster die Maus über dem Bild, klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste und wählen Sie "Ziel speichern unter ...".

ToolBar Icon



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

# cette macro trace en rouge (modifiable) le tour du boundingbox avec 6 rectangles
# si "createVol" = 1 il sera cree un volume (rouge) de la dimension du BoundBox
# this macro red trace (editable) around the BoundingBox with 6 rectangles
# if "createVol" = 1 on volume (red) is created 
# Macro_BoundingBox_Tracing
#OS: Windows Vista     #OS: Windows 8.1                                #OS: Windows 10                                 #OS: Windows 10
#Platform: 32-bit      #Word size of OS: 64-bit                        #Word size of OS: 64-bit                        #Word size of OS: 64-bit
#Version: 0.14.3389    #Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit                   #Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit                   #Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
#Python version: 2.6.2 #Version: 0.15.4671 (Git)                       #Version: 0.16.6700 (Git)                       #Version: 0.17.13528 (Git)
#Qt version: 4.5.2     #Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-15                  #Build type: Release                            #Build type: Release
#Coin version: 3.1.0   #Hash: 244b3aef360841646cbfe80a1b225c8b39c8380c #Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-16                  #Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-17
#SoQt version: 1.4.1   #Python version: 2.7.8                          #Hash: 7b925d11aa69ac405b423635adb1e2833f18a817 #Hash: 5c3f7bf8ec51e2c7187789f7edba71a7aa82a88b
#OCC version: 6.5.1    #Qt version: 4.8.6                              #Python version: 2.7.8                          #Python version: 2.7.14
#                      #Coin version: 4.0.0a                           #Qt version: 4.8.6                              #Qt version: 4.8.7
#                      #OCC version: 6.8.0.oce-0.17                    #Coin version: 4.0.0a                           #Coin version: 4.0.0a
#                                                                      #OCC version: 6.8.0.oce-0.17                    #OCC version: 7.2.0
#OS: Windows 10 (10.0)                                #OS: Windows 10 (10.0)
#Word size of OS: 64-bit                              #Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
#Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit                         #Version: 0.20.25131 (Git)
#Version: 0.19.16624 (Git)                            #Build type: Release
#Build type: Release                                  #Branch: master
#Branch: master                                       #Hash: 7c519689f0d5ea78fb3292be36a857d283c05507
#Hash: 222ae7305fdf1097e4ef3d050f69dff47dbd8786       #Python version: 3.8.10
#Python version: 3.6.8                                #Qt version: 5.12.9
#Qt version: 5.12.1                                   #Coin version: 4.0.0
#Coin version: 4.0.0a                                 #OCC version: 7.5.2
#OCC version: 7.3.0                                   #Locale: French/Mars (fr_MA)
#2021/07/10 modified by edwilliams16 to handle objects in nested part containers
__title__   = "BoundingBox_Tracing"
__author__  = "Mario52"
__url__     = ""
__Wiki__    = ""
__version__ = "0.12"
__date__    = "2021/07/10" #  YYYY/MM/DD

import PySide
import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Draft, Part
App = FreeCAD
import sys

debug = False
if debug:
    from sys import path
    import ptvsd
    print("Waiting for debugger attach")
    # 5678 is the default attach port in the VS Code debug configurations
    ptvsd.enable_attach(address=('localhost', 5678), redirect_output=True)

##### Section configuration begin ##################
##### for volume begin ###################
createVol         = 1           # give 1 for create Volume # mettre a 1 pour creer un volume
createDimVol      = 1           # 1 = create dimension info : 0 = not dimension info
##### for volume end   ###################

##### for dimensions info begin ##########
createDim         = 1           # 1 = create dimension info : 0 = not create dimension info

if int(FreeCAD.Version()[1]) > 17:      # Version de FreeCAD
    DisplayModeText   = str(u"3D text") # available : u"2D text" or u"3D text" 
    DisplayModeText   = str(u"Screen")  # available : u"Screen" or u"World" 

JustificationText = str(u"Center")    # available : "Center" or "Left" or "Right"
FontSizeText      = 3.0         # text info dimension
TextColorText_R   = 0.0         # text color info red      1 = 255
TextColorText_G   = 0.0         # text color info green    1 = 255
TextColorText_B   = 0.0         # text color info blue     1 = 255
arondi            = 3           # round the info ex: 3 = 3 decimals

##### for dimensions info end   ##########
##### Section configuration end ####################

def adjustedGlobalPlacement(obj, locVector):
    '''find global placement to make locVector the local origin with the correct orientation'''
        objectPlacement = obj.Shape.Placement
        objectGlobalPlacement = obj.getGlobalPlacement()
        locPlacement = App.Placement(locVector, App.Rotation(App.Vector(1,0,0),0))
        return objectGlobalPlacement.multiply(objectPlacement.inverse()).multiply(locPlacement)
    except Exception:
        locPlacement = App.Placement(App.Vector(0,0,0), App.Rotation(0,0,0), App.Vector(0,0,0))
        return locPlacement

sel   = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()
selEx = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
objs  = [selobj.Object for selobj in selEx]
if len(objs) >= 1:
    if hasattr(objs[0], "Shape"):
        s = objs[0].Shape
    elif hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh"):      # upgrade with wmayer thanks #
        s = objs[0].Mesh
    elif hasattr(objs[0], "Points"):
        s = objs[0].Points

        # LineColor
        red   = 1.0  # 1 = 255
        green = 0.0  #
        blue  = 0.0  #
        # boundBox
        boundBox_    = s.BoundBox
        boundBoxLX   = boundBox_.XLength
        boundBoxLY   = boundBox_.YLength
        boundBoxLZ   = boundBox_.ZLength
        boundBoxXMin = boundBox_.XMin
        boundBoxYMin = boundBox_.YMin
        boundBoxZMin = boundBox_.ZMin
        boundBoxLocation = App.Vector(boundBox_.XMin,boundBox_.YMin,boundBox_.ZMin)
        nameLabel  = sel[0].Label

            import unicodedata    
            nameLabel = str(unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', nameLabel).encode('ascii','ignore'))[2:]
        except Exception:

        App.Console.PrintMessage("Rectangle      : "+str(boundBoxLX)+" x "+str(boundBoxLY)+" x "+str(boundBoxLZ)+"\r\n")
        if (createVol == 1) and (boundBoxLX > 0) and (boundBoxLY > 0) and (boundBoxLZ > 0):  # Create Volume
            BDvol = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Box",nameLabel + "_BoundBoxVolume")
            #BDvol.Label = "BoundBoxVolume"
            BDvol.Length.Value = boundBoxLX
            BDvol.Width.Value  = boundBoxLY
            BDvol.Height.Value = boundBoxLZ
            BDvol.Placement = adjustedGlobalPlacement(objs[0], boundBoxLocation)
            BDPl = BDvol.Placement
            #if debug: print(f'global {globalObjectPlacement}\n local {localObjectPlacement} BB {BBlocPlacement}')
            FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.getObject(BDvol.Name).LineColor  = (red, green, blue)
            FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.getObject(BDvol.Name).PointColor = (red, green, blue)
            FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.getObject(BDvol.Name).ShapeColor = (red, green, blue)
            FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.getObject(BDvol.Name).Transparency = 80
            App.Console.PrintMessage(nameLabel + "_BoundBoxVolume : " + str(BDvol.Shape.Volume)+"\r\n")
            if createDimVol == 1:    # section create dimension info for volume
                conteneurVol = []
                del conteneurVol[:]
                conteneurVol = App.activeDocument().addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup",nameLabel + "_BoundBoxVolume_Info")
                #pl_0C1 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(oripl_X + (boundBoxLX/2), oripl_Y, oripl_Z))
                pl_0C1 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],placement = BDPl.multVec(App.Vector(boundBoxLX/2,0,0)))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Volume_X_" + str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))
                #pl_0C2 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(oripl_X, oripl_Y + (boundBoxLY/2), oripl_Z))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],placement = BDPl.multVec(App.Vector(0, boundBoxLY/2, 0)))
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Volume_Y_" + str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))
                #pl_0C3 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))],placement=FreeCAD.Vector(oripl_X, oripl_Y, oripl_Z + (boundBoxLZ/2)))
                pl_0C3 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))],placement = BDPl.multVec(App.Vector(0, 0, boundBoxLZ/2)))
                pl_0C3.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C3.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C3.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C3.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C3.Label      = nameLabel + "_Volume_Z_" + str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))
    #    else:
    #        App.Console.PrintMessage("Not Volume BoundBox possible"+"\r\n")

        conteneurRectangle = []
        del conteneurRectangle[:]
        conteneurRectangle = App.activeDocument().addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup",nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle")
        if createDim == 1:    # conteneur dimension info
            conteneurInfo = []
            del conteneurInfo[:]
            conteneurInfo = App.activeDocument().addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup",nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_Info")
            if (boundBoxLX and boundBoxLY) > 0.0:
                #pl_0 = App.Placement(App.Vector(oripl_X,oripl_Y,oripl_Z), App.Rotation(0.0,0.0,0.0))
                pl_0 = adjustedGlobalPlacement(objs[0], boundBoxLocation)
                double = Draft.makeRectangle(length=boundBoxLX,height=boundBoxLY,placement=pl_0,face=False,support=None) #OK
                double.Label = nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_Bo"
                FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor = (red, green, blue)
    #        else:
    #            App.Console.PrintError("not value 0"+"\n")
            if createDim == 1:    # section create dimension info
                #pl_0C1 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],placement=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_0.Base.x + (boundBoxLX/2), pl_0.Base.y, pl_0.Base.z))
                # XY -> XY
                pl_0C1 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],placement=pl_0.multVec(App.Vector(boundBoxLX/2, 0, 0)))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Bo_0X_" + str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))
                #pl_0C2 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],placement=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_0.Base.x, pl_0.Base.y + (boundBoxLY/2), pl_0.Base.z))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],placement=pl_0.multVec(App.Vector(0., boundBoxLY/2, 0.)))
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Bo_0Y_" + str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))
            App.Console.PrintError("not done 0"+"\n")

            if (boundBoxLX and boundBoxLY) > 0.0:
                #pl_1 = App.Placement(App.Vector(oripl_X,oripl_Y,oripl_Z+boundBoxLZ), App.Rotation(0.0,0.0,0.0))
                pl_1 =adjustedGlobalPlacement(objs[0], boundBoxLocation + App.Vector(0,0,boundBoxLZ))
                double = Draft.makeRectangle(length=boundBoxLX,height=boundBoxLY,placement=pl_1,face=False,support=None) #Ok
                double.Label = nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_To"
                FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor = (red, green, blue)
    #        else:
    #            App.Console.PrintError("not value 1"+"\n")
            if createDim == 1:    # section create dimension info
                #pl_0C1 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],placement=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_1.Base.x + (boundBoxLX/2), pl_1.Base.y, pl_1.Base.z))
                #XY -> XY
                pl_0C1 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],placement=pl_1.multVec(App.Vector(boundBoxLX/2, 0, 0)))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_To_1X_" + str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))
                #pl_0C2 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],placement=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_1.Base.x, pl_1.Base.y + (boundBoxLY/2), pl_1.Base.z))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],placement=pl_1.multVec(App.Vector(0., boundBoxLY/2, 0)))

                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_To_1Y_" + str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))
            App.Console.PrintError("not done 1"+"\n")

            if (boundBoxLX and boundBoxLZ) > 0.0:
                #pl_2 = App.Placement(App.Vector(oripl_X,oripl_Y,oripl_Z), App.Rotation(0.0,0.0,90))
                pl_2 = pl_0.multiply(App.Placement(App.Vector(0.,0.,0.),App.Rotation(0.0,0.0,90)))
                double = Draft.makeRectangle(length=boundBoxLX,height=boundBoxLZ,placement=pl_2,face=False,support=None) #Ok
                double.Label = nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_Fr"
                FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor = (red, green, blue)
    #        else:
    #            App.Console.PrintError("not value 2"+"\n")
            if createDim == 1:    # section create dimension info
                #pl_0C1 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],placement=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_2.Base.x + (boundBoxLX/2), pl_2.Base.y, pl_2.Base.z))
                #XZ -> XY
                pl_0C1 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],placement=pl_2.multVec(App.Vector(boundBoxLX/2, 0, 0)))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Fr_2X_" + str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))
                #pl_0C2 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))],placement=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_2.Base.x, pl_2.Base.y, pl_2.Base.z + (boundBoxLZ/2)))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))],placement=pl_2.multVec(App.Vector(0, boundBoxLZ/2, 0)))
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Fr_2Z_" + str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))
            App.Console.PrintError("not done 2"+"\n")

            if (boundBoxLX and boundBoxLZ) > 0.0:
                #pl_3 = App.Placement(App.Vector(oripl_X,oripl_Y+boundBoxLY,oripl_Z), App.Rotation(0.0,0.0,90))
                pl_3 = adjustedGlobalPlacement(objs[0], boundBoxLocation+App.Vector(0, boundBoxLY, 0)).multiply(App.Placement(App.Vector(0.,0.,0.),App.Rotation(0.0,0.0,90)))
                double = Draft.makeRectangle(length=boundBoxLX,height=boundBoxLZ,placement=pl_3,face=False,support=None) #Ok
                double.Label = nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_Re"
                FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor = (red, green, blue)
    #        else:
    #            App.Console.PrintError("not value 3"+"\n")
            if createDim == 1:    # section create dimension info
                #XZ -> XY
                pl_0C1 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],placement=pl_3.multVec(App.Vector(boundBoxLX/2, 0, 0)))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Re_3X_" + str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))],placement=pl_3.multVec(App.Vector(0, boundBoxLZ/2, 0)))
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Re_3Z_" + str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))
            App.Console.PrintError("not done 3"+"\n")

            if (boundBoxLY and boundBoxLZ) > 0.0:
                #pl_4 = App.Placement(App.Vector(oripl_X,oripl_Y,oripl_Z), App.Rotation(90,0.0,90))
                pl_4 = pl_0.multiply(App.Placement(App.Vector(0.,0.,0.),App.Rotation(90,0,90)))
                double = Draft.makeRectangle(length=boundBoxLY,height=boundBoxLZ,placement=pl_4,face=False,support=None) #Ok
                double.Label = nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_Le"
                FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor = (red, green, blue)
    #        else:
    #            App.Console.PrintError("not value 4"+"\n")
            if createDim == 1:    # section create dimension info
                #pl_0C1 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],placement=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_4.Base.x, pl_4.Base.y + (boundBoxLY/2), pl_4.Base.z))
                #YZ ->XY
                pl_0C1 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],placement=pl_4.multVec(App.Vector(boundBoxLY/2, 0., 0.)))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Le_4Y_" + str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))
                #pl_0C2 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))],placement=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_4.Base.x, pl_4.Base.y, pl_4.Base.z + (boundBoxLZ/2)))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))],placement=pl_4.multVec(App.Vector(0., boundBoxLZ/2, 0)))
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Le_4Z_" + str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))
            App.Console.PrintError("not done 4"+"\n")

            if (boundBoxLY and boundBoxLZ) > 0.0:
                #pl_5 = App.Placement(App.Vector(oripl_X+boundBoxLX,oripl_Y,oripl_Z), App.Rotation(90,0.0,90))
                pl_5 = adjustedGlobalPlacement(objs[0], boundBoxLocation+App.Vector(boundBoxLX,0,0)).multiply(App.Placement(App.Vector(0.,0.,0.),App.Rotation(90,0.0,90)))
                double = Draft.makeRectangle(length=boundBoxLY,height=boundBoxLZ,placement=pl_5,face=False,support=None) #Ok
                double.Label = nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_Ri"
                FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor = (red, green, blue)
    #            else:
    #                App.Console.PrintError("not value 5"+"\n")
            if createDim == 1:    # section create dimension info
                #YZ-> XY
                pl_0C1 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],placement=pl_5.multVec(App.Vector(boundBoxLY/2, 0, 0)))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Ri_5Y_" + str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.make_text([str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))],placement=pl_5.multVec(App.Vector(0, boundBoxLZ/2, 0 )))
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Ri_5Z_" + str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))
            App.Console.PrintError("not done 5"+"\n")
    except Exception:
        App.Console.PrintError("Bad selection"+"\n")
    App.Console.PrintMessage("Select an object !"+"\n")


Version: 0.12 Date 2021/07/10: upgrade by edwilliams16 to handle objects in nested part containers FCInfo CG of assemblies corrected the global placement, thanks edwilliams16

def adjustedGlobalPlacement(obj, locVector):
    '''find global placement to make locVector the local origin with the correct orientation'''
        objectPlacement = obj.Shape.Placement
        objectGlobalPlacement = obj.getGlobalPlacement()
        locPlacement = App.Placement(locVector, App.Rotation(App.Vector(1,0,0),0))
        return objectGlobalPlacement.multiply(objectPlacement.inverse()).multiply(locPlacement)
    except Exception:
        locPlacement = App.Placement(App.Vector(0,0,0), App.Rotation(0,0,0), App.Vector(0,0,0))
        return locPlacement

Version: 0.11 le Date: 2019/05/29: "nameLabel = str(unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', nameLabel).encode('ascii','ignore'))" instead "def()"

ver 0.10 le 2019/05/23 upgrade > 0.19 and supp the "éçà.." with def() not encode()....

ver 0.9 le 2018-10-12: add test > 17

if int(FreeCAD.Version()[1]) > 17:      # Version de FreeCAD
    DisplayModeText   = str(u"2D text") # available : u"2D text" or u"3D text" 
    DisplayModeText   = str(u"Screen")  # available : u"Screen" or u"World"

ver 0.8 le 05/10/2018: upgrade the ver 0.8 compatible with FC 0.17 (getGlobalPlacement)

ver 0.7 le 28/01/2018: correct error with label accent "nameLabel = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', nameLabel).encode('ascii','ignore')"

ver 0.6 le 08/08/2017: Textinformationsdimension hinzufügen, Container für Rechtecke, Inforechtecke, Infovolumen, Abschnittskonfigurationsfarbe hinzufügen, Beschriftungsobjekt ausgewählt

ver 0.5 le 08/05/2017 : nimm jetzt das "mesh" und "points" danke wmayer Makro Bounding-Box für STL importierte Teile und für Punktewolken

ver 0.4 le 04/06/2016 : test if value = 0 then not create boundbox (ex: object Draft)