Sandbox:Keyboard Shortcuts

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 00:28, 16 October 2022 by Wolf Icefang (talk | contribs) (→‎Test Workbench: updated test workbench for 0.20.1)


This page is aiming at refactoring the keyboard shortcuts in FreeCAD. Indeed at the moment, several problems exist such as overlapping, lack of consistency, ... When work is over, this page can be mutated so it serves as a keyboard shortcuts overview.

Discussion in the forum


Proposed activities are (more or less in chronological order) :

  • List all available commands by workbench
  • Define global guidelines
  • Define new shortcuts to commands (following guidelines)
  • Implement in the code

Global guidelines

Proposed guidelines :

  • Use standard shortcuts for standard commands across software (New, Open, Save, Undo/Redo, ...)
  • Shortcuts using 'Ctrl' key should be reserved for global commands
  • Function keys (F1 to F12) should be reserved for global commands
  • Shortcuts using 'Shift' key could be used to indicate an opposite/complementary action (to the one without 'Shift')
  • Shortcuts using 'Alt' key should be avoided (it is used to access menus, and 'Ctrl+Alt' or 'Shift+Alt' are often system shortcuts)
  • Shortcuts using only alpha key (single or combo -- without modifier) should be reserved to workbench local commands
  • Shortcuts using only num key (without modifier) should be avoided (to prevent unwanted actions)
  • Shortcuts using system keys ('PrntScr', 'Pause', ...) should be avoided
  • Most used commands should have a shortcut. Not all commands have to have a shortcut.

List of commands

Note: "A" means the keyboard key A, not the upper case letter A (aka Shift-Key A)

Global Workbench

Hidden Global Shortcuts

These shortcuts are not listed in the Keyboard Customization window. You will not see a warning if one of your shortcuts causes a conflict!

1. You can switch between workbenches with W, 1 through W, 9. These shortcuts are set automatically when FreeCAD launches. By arranging your workbench list in "Tools->Customize...->Workbenches", then closing and reopening FreeCAD, you can set these shortcuts to your liking. You can check and see these shortcuts in the Menubar's "View->Workbench", but not in the Workbench Dropdown List toolbar.
2. After you click inside the TreeView panel, you can press Ctrl+F to open a search bar. In KDE Linux, you can change the shortcut by opening KDE System Settings and going to Shortcuts->Common Actions->Edit->Find.
3. Std_DrawStyle opens a dropdown menu, making it impossible to change these 7 shortcuts in the GUI:
Command Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Std_DrawStyleAsIs Normal mode V, 1
Std_DrawStylePoints Points mode V, 2
Std_DrawStyleWireFrame Wireframe mode V, 3
Std_DrawStyleHiddenLine Hidden line mode V, 4 This draws the triangular meshes of solid objects. It is not for showing edges obscured by solid geometry.
Std_DrawStyleNoShading No shading mode V, 5
Std_DrawStyleShaded Shaded mode V, 6
Std_DrawStyleFlatLines Flat lines mode V, 7

Customizable shortcuts

Up-to-date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

These global shortcuts do appear in "Tools->Customize...->Keyboard". FreeCAD's GUI lists shortcuts by "Category", but this Wiki page lists shortcuts by "workbench" first. FreeCAD's GUI puts some commands, like "Export Page as SVG" in the file "category", but that command is actually from the TechDraw "Workbench".

Note: In KDE Linux, some FreeCAD shortcuts follow the Common Actions shortcuts found in KDE System Settings. For example, KDE's default Redo is Ctrl+Shift+Z, not Ctrl+Y. If you override the shortcut within FreeCAD, your preference will be remembered even if the KDE shortcut changes. To use KDE's universal shortcuts again, click "Reset" or "Reset All." When FreeCAD launches, it imports KDE's shortcuts, so shortcuts may not seem "up to date" until FreeCAD is restarted. Tested 2022-09-30, Manjaro Linux 5.15, FreeCAD 0.20.1 (flatpak)
Command Name Category Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Std_About About %1 Help &About %1
Std_AboutQt About &Qt Help About Qt Warning: Command Std_AboutQt not in use yet
Std_ActivateNextWindow Ne&xt Window Activate next window Ctrl+Tab KDE shortcut: Activate Next Tab. Ctrl+PgDown
Std_ActivatePrevWindow Pre&vious Window Activate previous window Ctrl+Shift+Backtab KDE Shortcut: Activate Previous Tab. Ctrl+PgUp
Std_AddonMgr &Addon manager <string> Manage external workbenches, macros, and preference packs
Std_Alignment Alignment... Edit Align the selected objects
Std_ArrangeIcons Arrange &Icons Window Arrange Icons
Std_AxisCross Toggle axis cross Standard-View Toggle axis cross A, C
Std_BoxElementSelection Box element Selection Standard-View Box element selection Shift+E
Std_BoxSelection Box selection Standard-View Box selection Shift+B
Std_CascadeWindows &Cascade Window Tile pragmatic
Std_CloseActiveWindow Cl&ose Window Close active window Ctrl+F4 KDE shortcut: Close. Ctrl+W
Std_CloseAllWindows Close Al&l Window Close all windows
Std_CommandLine Start command &line... Tools File:Utilities-terminal Opens the command line in the console
Std_Copy C&opy Edit Copy operation Ctrl+C KDE Shortcut: Copy. Ctrl+C
Std_Cut &Cut Edit Cut out Ctrl+X KDE Shortcut: Cut. Ctrl+X
Std_Delete &Delete Edit Deletes the selected objects Del KDE Shortcut: Delete. Shift+Del
Std_DemoMode View turntable... Standard-View View turntable
Std_DependencyGraph Dependency graph... Tools Show the dependency graph of the objects in the active document
Std_DlgCustomize Cu&stomize... Tools Customize toolbars and command bars
Std_DlgMacroExecute Macros... Macro Opens a dialog to let you execute a recorded macro
Std_DlgMacroExecuteDirect Execute macro Macro Execute the macro in the editor Ctrl+F6
Std_DlgMacroRecord &Macro recording... Macro Opens a dialog to record a macro
Std_DlgParameter E&dit parameters ... Tools Opens a Dialog to edit the parameters
Std_DlgPreferences &Preferences ... Tools Opens a Dialog to edit the preferences
Std_DockViewMenu Panels View List of available dock panels
Std_DrawStyle Draw style Standard-View Change the draw style of objects
Std_DuplicateSelection Duplicate selection Edit Put duplicates of the selected objects to the active document
Std_Edit Toggle &Edit mode Edit Toggles the selected object's edit mode
Std_Export &Export File Export an object in the active document Ctrl+E
Std_Expressions Expression Actions Edit Expression actions Warning: Command Std_Expressions not in use yet
Std_FreeCADDonation Donate Help Donate to FreeCAD development KDE Shortcut: Help. F1
Std_FreeCADFAQ FreeCAD FAQ Help Frequently Asked Questions on the FreeCAD website
Std_FreeCADForum FreeCAD Forum Help The FreeCAD forum, where you can find help from other users
Std_FreeCADPowerUserHub Python scripting documentation Help Python scripting documentation on the FreeCAD website
Std_FreeCADUserHub Users documentation Help Documentation for users on the FreeCAD website
Std_FreeCADWebsite FreeCAD Website Help The FreeCAD website
Std_FreezeViews Freeze display Standard-View Freezes the current view position Shift+F
Std_Group Create group Structure Create a new group for ordering objects
Std_HideObjects Hide all objects Standard-View Hide all objects in the document
Std_HideSelection Hide selection Standard-View Hide all selected objects
Std_Import &Import... File Import a file in the active document Ctrl+I
Std_LinkActions Link actions View Link actions
Std_LinkImport Import links Link Import selected external link(s)
Std_LinkImportAll Import all links Link Import all links of the active document
Std_LinkMake Make link Link Create a link to the selected object(s)
Std_LinkMakeGroup Make link group Link Create a group of links
Std_LinkMakeRelative Make sub-link Link Create a sub-object or sub-element link
Std_LinkReplace Replace with link Link Replace the selected object(s) with link
Std_LinkSelectActions Link navigation View Link navigation actions
Std_LinkSelectAllLinks Select all links Link Select all links to the current selected object
Std_LinkSelectLinked Go to linked object Link Select the linked object and switch to its owner document S, G
Std_LinkSelectLinkedFinal Go to the deepest linked object Link Select the deepest linked object and switch to its owner document S, D
Std_LinkUnlink Unlink Link Strip on level of link
Std_MDITest1 Remove MDI 1 Standard-Test Remove MDI from main window Warning: Command Std_MDITest1 not in use yet
Std_MDITest2 Remove MDI 2 Standard-Test Remove view from MDI area Warning: Command Std_MDITest2 not in use yet
Std_MDITest3 Remove MDI 3 Standard-Test Unset parent and remove from main window Warning: Command Std_MDITest3 not in use yet
Std_MacroAttachDebugger Attach to remote debugger... Macro Attach to a remotely running debugger
Std_MacroStartDebug Debug macro Macro Start debugging of macro F6
Std_MacroStepInto Step into Macro Step into F11
Std_MacroStepOver Step over Macro Step over F10
Std_MacroStopDebug Stop debugging Macro Stop debugging of macro Shift+F6
Std_MacroStopRecord S&top macro recording Macro Stop the macro recording session
Std_MainFullscreen Fullscreen Standard-View Display the main window in fullscreen mode Alt+F11
Std_MeasureDistance Measure distance View Measure distance
Std_MergeProjects Merge project... File Merge project
Std_New &New File Create a new empty document Ctrl+N KDE Shortcut: New. Ctrl+N
Std_OnlineHelp Help Help Show help to the application F1 KDE Shortcut: Help. F1
Std_OnlineHelpWebsite Help Website Help The website where the help is maintained Warning: Command Std_OnlineHelpWebsite not in use yet
Std_Open &Open... File Open a document or import files Ctrl+O KDE Shortcut: Open. Ctrl+O
Std_OrthographicCamera Orthographic view Standard-View Switches to orthographic view mode V, O
Std_Part Create part Structure Create a new part and make it active
Std_Paste &Paste Edit Paste operation Ctrl+V KDE Shortcut: Paste. Ctrl+V
Std_PerspectiveCamera Perspective view Standard-View Switches to perspective view mode V, P
Std_Placement Placement... Edit Place the selected objects
Std_Print &Print... File Print the document Ctrl+P KDE Shortcut: Print. Ctrl+P
Std_PrintPdf &Export PDF... File Export the document as PDF
Std_PrintPreview &Print preview File Print the document
Std_ProjectInfo Project i&nformation File Show details of the currently active project
Std_ProjectUtil Project utility... Tools Utility to extract or create project files
Std_PythonHelp Automatic python modules documentation Tools Opens a browser to show the Python modules documentation
Std_PythonWebsite Python Website Help The official Python website Warning: Command Std_PythonWebsite not in use yet
Std_Quit E&xit File Quits the application Alt+F4 KDE Shortcut: Quit. Ctrl+Q
Std_RandomColor Random color File Random color
Std_RecentFiles Recent files File Recent file list
Std_RecentMacros Recent macros Macro Recent macro list
Std_Recompute &Recompute File Recompute feature or document Ctrl+R Warning: Command Std_Recompute not in use yet
Std_Redo &Redo Edit Redoes a previously undone action Ctrl+Y KDE Shortcut: Redo. Ctrl+Shift+Z
Std_Refresh &Refresh Edit Recomputes the current active document F5 KDE Shortcut: Reload. F5
Std_ReportBug Report a bug Help Report a bug or request a feature
Std_Revert Revert File Reverts to the saved version of this file
Std_Save &Save File Save the active document Ctrl+S KDE Shortcut: Save. Ctrl+S
Std_SaveAll Save All File Save all opened document
Std_SaveAs Save &As... File Save the active document under a new file name Ctrl+Shift+S KDE Shortcut: Save As. Ctrl+Shift+S
Std_SaveCopy Save a &Copy... File Save a copy of the active document under a new file name
Std_SceneInspector Scene inspector... Tools Scene inspector
Std_SelBack &Back View Go back to previous selection S, B
Std_SelBoundingBox &Bounding box View Show selection bounding box
Std_SelForward &Forward View Repeat the backed selection S, F
Std_SelectAll Select &All Edit Select all
Std_SelectVisibleObjects Select visible objects Standard-View Select visible objects in the active document
Std_SendToPythonConsole &Send to Python Console Edit Sends the selected object to the Python console Ctrl+Shift+P
Std_SetAppearance Appearance... Standard-View Sets the display properties of the selected object Ctrl+D
Std_ShowObjects Show all objects Standard-View Show all objects in the document
Std_ShowSelection Show selection Standard-View Show all selected objects
Std_Test1 Test1 Standard-Test Test function 1 Ctrl+T Warning: Command Std_Test1 not in use yet
Std_Test2 Test2 Standard-Test Test function 2 Warning: Command Std_Test2 not in use yet
Std_Test3 Test3 Standard-Test Test function 3 Warning: Command Std_Test3 not in use yet
Std_Test4 Test4 Standard-Test Test function 4 Warning: Command Std_Test4 not in use yet
Std_Test5 Test5 Standard-Test Test function 5 Warning: Command Std_Test5 not in use yet
Std_Test6 Test6 Standard-Test Test function 6 Warning: Command Std_Test6 not in use yet
Std_TestCmdFuncs Test functions Standard-Test Test functions Warning: Command Std_TestCmdFuncs not in use yet
Std_TestConsoleOutput Test console output Standard-Test Test console output Warning: Command Std_TestConsoleOutput not in use yet
Std_TestProgress1 Breakable bar Standard-Test Test a breakable progress bar Warning: Command Std_TestProgress1 not in use yet
Std_TestProgress2 Unbreakable bar Standard-Test Test a unbreakable progress bar Warning: Command Std_TestProgress2 not in use yet
Std_TestProgress3 Nested progress bar Standard-Test Test nested progress bar Warning: Command Std_TestProgress3 not in use yet
Std_TestProgress4 Mixed nested bar Standard-Test Test a mixed up nested progress bar Warning: Command Std_TestProgress4 not in use yet
Std_TestProgress5 From thread Standard-Test Test a progress bar from a thread Command Std_TestProgress5 not in use yet
Std_TestQM Test translation files... Standard-Test Test function to check .qm translation files Warning: Command Std_TestQM not in use yet
Std_TestReloadQM Reload translation files Standard-Test Test function to check .qm translation files Warning: Command Std_TestReloadQM not in use yet
Std_TextDocument Add text document Tools Add text document to active document
Std_TextureMapping Texture mapping... Tools Texture mapping
Std_TileWindows &Tile Window Tile the windows
Std_ToggleBreakpoint Toggle breakpoint Macro Toggle breakpoint F9
Std_ToggleClipPlane Clipping plane Standard-View Toggles clipping plane for active view
Std_ToggleNavigation Toggle navigation/Edit mode Standard-View Toggle between navigation and edit mode Esc
Std_ToggleObjects Toggle all objects Standard-View Toggles visibility of all objects in the active document
Std_ToggleSelectability Toggle selectability Standard-View Toggles the property of the objects to get selected in the 3D-View
Std_ToggleVisibility Toggle visibility Standard-View Toggles visibility Space
Std_ToolBarMenu Tool&bars View Toggles this window
Std_Transform Transform... Edit Transform the geometry of selected objects Warning: Command Std_Transform not in use yet
Std_TransformManip Transform Edit Transform the selected object in the 3d view
Std_TreeCollapse Collapse selected item View Collapse currently selected tree items Warning: Command Std_TreeCollapse not in use yet
Std_TreeCollapseDocument Collapse/Expand TreeView Expand active document and collapse all others
Std_TreeDrag Initiate dragging TreeView Initiate dragging of current selected tree items T,D
Std_TreeExpand Expand selected item View Expand currently selected tree items Warning: Command Std_TreeExpand not in use yet
Std_TreeMultiDocument Multi document TreeView Display all documents in the tree view
Std_TreePreSelection Pre-selection TreeView Preselect the object in 3D view when mouse over the tree item T,4
Std_TreeRecordSelection Record selection TreeView Record selection in tree view in order to go back/forward using navigation button T,5
Std_TreeSelectAllInstances Select all instances View Select all instances of the current selected object
Std_TreeSelection Go to selection TreeView Scroll to first selected item T,G
Std_TreeSingleDocument Single document TreeView Only display the active document in the tree view
Std_TreeSyncPlacement Sync placement TreeView Auto adjust placement on drag and drop objects across coordinate systems T,3
Std_TreeSyncSelection Sync selection TreeView Auto expand tree item when the corresponding object is selected in 3D view T,2
Std_TreeSyncView Sync view TreeView Auto switch to the 3D view containing the selected item T,1
Std_TreeViewActions TreeView actions TreeView TreeView behavior options and actions
Std_Undo &Undo Edit Undo exactly one action Ctrl+Z KDE Shortcut: Undo. Ctrl+Z
Std_UnitsCalculator &Units calculator... Tools Start the units calculator
Std_UserEditMode Edit mode Edit Defines behavior when editing an object from tree
Std_UserInterface Dock views View Dock all top-level views Warning: Command Std_UserInterface not in use yet
Std_ViewBottom Bottom Standard-View Set to bottom view 5
Std_ViewBoxZoom Box zoom Standard-View Box zoom Ctrl+B
Std_ViewCreate Create new view Standard-View Creates a new view window for the active document
Std_ViewDimetric Dimetric Standard-View Set to dimetric view
Std_ViewDock Docked Standard-View Display the active view either in fullscreen, in undocked or docked mode V, D
Std_ViewDockUndockFullscreen Document window Standard-View Display the active view either in fullscreen, in undocked or docked mode
Std_ViewExample1 Inventor example #1 Standard-View Shows a 3D texture with manipulator Warning: Command Std_ViewExample1 not in use yet
Std_ViewExample2 Inventor example #2 Standard-View Shows spheres and drag-lights Warning: Command Std_ViewExample2 not in use yet
Std_ViewExample3 Inventor example #3 Standard-View Shows a animated texture Warning: Command Std_ViewExample3 not in use yet
Std_ViewFitAll Fit all Standard-View Fits the whole content on the screen V, F
Std_ViewFitSelection Fit selection Standard-View Fits the selected content on the screen V, S
Std_ViewFront Front Standard-View Set to front view 1
Std_ViewFullscreen Fullscreen Standard-View Display the active view either in fullscreen, in undocked or docked mode F11
Std_ViewHome Home Standard-View Set to default home view Home
Std_ViewIsometric Isometric Standard-View Set to isometric view 0
Std_ViewIvIssueCamPos Issue camera position Standard-View Issue the camera position to the console and to a macro, to easily recall this position
Std_ViewIvStereoInterleavedColumns Stereo Interleaved Columns Standard-View Switch stereo viewing to Interleaved Columns
Std_ViewIvStereoInterleavedRows Stereo Interleaved Rows Standard-View Switch stereo viewing to Interleaved Rows
Std_ViewIvStereoOff Stereo Off Standard-View Switch stereo viewing off
Std_ViewIvStereoQuadBuff Stereo quad buffer Standard-View Switch stereo viewing to quad buffer
Std_ViewIvStereoRedGreen Stereo red/cyan Standard-View Switch stereo viewing to red/cyan
Std_ViewLeft Left Standard-View Set to left view 6
Std_ViewRear Rear Standard-View Set to rear view 4
Std_ViewRestoreCamera Restore saved camera Standard-View Restore saved camera settings Warning: Command Std_ViewRestoreCamera not in use yet
Std_ViewRight Right Standard-View Set to right view 3
Std_ViewRotateLeft Rotate Left Standard-View Rotate the view by 90° counter-clockwise Shift+Left
Std_ViewRotateRight Rotate Right Standard-View Rotate the view by 90° clockwise Shift+Right
Std_ViewSaveCamera Save current camera Standard-View Save current camera settings Warning: Command Std_ViewSaveCamera not in use yet
Std_ViewScreenShot Save picture... Standard-View Creates a screenshot of the active view
Std_ViewStatusBar Status bar View Toggles the status bar
Std_ViewTop Top Standard-View Set to top view 2
Std_ViewTrimetric Trimetric Standard-View Set to trimetric view
Std_ViewUndock Undocked Standard-View Display the active view either in fullscreen, in undocked or docked mode V, U
Std_ViewVR FreeCAD-VR Standard-View Extend the FreeCAD 3D Window to a Oculus Rift Warning: Command Std_ViewVR not in use yet
Std_ViewZoomIn Zoom In Standard-View Zoom In Ctrl++ This shortcut only works with numpad + and "Ctrl+shift+=". KDE Shortcut: Zoom In. Ctrl++
Std_ViewZoomOut Zoom Out Standard-View Zoom Out Ctrl+- KDE Shortcut: Zoom Out. Ctrl+-
Std_WhatsThis &What's This? Help What's This Shift+F1 KDE Shortcut: What's This. Shift+F1
Std_Windows &Windows... Window Windows list
Std_WindowsMenu Activates this window Window Activates this window
Std_Workbench Workbench View Switch between workbenches
View_Measure_Clear_All Clear measurement Measure Clear measurement
View_Measure_Toggle_All Toggle measurement Measure Toggle measurement

Arch Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Arch_3Views 3 views from mesh Creates 3 views (top, front, side) from a mesh-based object
Arch_Add Add component Adds the selected components to the active object
Arch_Axis Axis Creates a set of axes A, X
Arch_AxisSystem Axis System Creates an axis system from a set of axes X, S
Arch_AxisTools Axis tools File:Arch AxisTools.svg Axis tools This is a dropdown, but you can add a keyboard shortcut to it and it will work.
Arch_Building Building Creates a building object including selected objects. B, U
Arch_BuildingPart BuildingPart Creates a BuildingPart object including selected objects B, P
Arch_Check Check Checks the selected objects for problems
Arch_CloneComponent Clone Component Clones an object as an undefined architectural component C, C
Arch_CloseHoles Close holes Closes holes in open shapes, turning them solids
Arch_Component Component Creates an undefined architectural component C, M
Arch_CurtainWall Curtain wall 24px Creates a curtain wall object from selected line or from scratch C, W
Arch_CutLine Cut with Line Cut an object with a line
Arch_CutPlane Cut with plane Cut an object with a plane
Arch_Equipment Equipment Creates an equipment object from a selected object (Part or Mesh) E, Q
Arch_Fence Fence Creates a fence object from a selected section, post and path
Arch_Floor Level Creates a Building Part object that represents a level, including selected objects L, V
Arch_Frame Frame Creates a frame object from a planar 2D object (the extrusion path(s)) and a profile. Make sure objects are selected in that order. F, R
Arch_Grid Grid Creates a customizable grid object A, X
Arch_IfcSpreadsheet Create IFC spreadsheet... Creates a spreadsheet to store IFC properties of an object. I, P
Arch_SetMaterial Material Creates or edits the material definition of a selected object M, T Also called Arch_Material in FreeCAD.
Arch_MaterialTools Material tools Material tools This dropdown accepts custom shortcuts.
Arch_MergeWalls Merge Walls Merges the selected walls, if possible
Arch_MeshToShape Mesh to Shape Turns selected meshes into Part Shape objects
Arch_MultiMaterial Multi-Material Creates or edits multi-materials M, T
Arch_Nest Nest Nests a series of selected shapes in a container N, E
Arch_Panel Panel Creates a panel object from scratch or from a selected object (sketch, wire, face or solid) P, A
Arch_PanelTools Panel tools Panel tools This dropdown accepts custom shortcuts.
Arch_Panel_Cut Panel Cut Creates 2D views of selected panels P, C
Arch_Panel_Sheet Panel Sheet Creates a 2D sheet which can contain panel cuts P, S
Arch_Pipe Pipe Creates a pipe object from a given Wire or Line P, I
Arch_PipeConnector Connector Creates a connector between 2 or 3 selected pipes P, C
Arch_PipeTools Pipe tools Pipe tools This dropdown accepts custom shortcuts.
Arch_Profile Profile Creates a profile object P, F
Arch_Project Project Creates a project entity aggregating the selected sites. P, O
Arch_Rebar Custom Rebar Creates a Reinforcement bar from the selected face of a structural object R, B
Arch_Reference External reference Creates an external reference object E, X
Arch_Remove Remove component Remove the selected components from their parents, or create a hole in a component
Arch_RemoveShape Remove Shape from Arch Removes cubic shapes from Arch components
Arch_Roof Roof Creates a roof object from the selected wire. R, F
Arch_Schedule Schedule Creates a schedule to collect data from the model
Arch_SectionPlane Section Plane Creates a section plane object, including the selected objects S, E
Arch_SelectNonSolidMeshes Select non-manifold meshes Selects all non-manifold meshes from the document or from the selected groups
Arch_Site Site Creates a site object including selected objects. S, I
Arch_Space Space Creates a space object from selected boundary objects S, P
Arch_SplitMesh Split Mesh Splits selected meshes into independent components
Arch_Stairs Stairs Creates a stairs object S, R
Arch_StructuralSystem Structural System File:Arch StructuralSystem Create a structural system object from a selected structure and axis
Arch_Structure Structure Creates a structure object from scratch or from a selected object (sketch, wire, face or solid) S, T
Arch_StructureTools Structure tools Structure tools This dropdown accepts custom shortcuts.
Arch_StructuresFromSelection Multiple Structures File:Arch MultipleStructures Create multiple Arch Structure objects from a selected base, using each selected edge as an extrusion path
Arch_Survey Survey Starts survey
Arch_ToggleIfcBrepFlag Toggle IFC Brep flag Force an object to be exported as Brep or not
Arch_ToggleSubs Toggle Subcomponents Shows or hides the subcomponents of this object Ctrl+Space
Arch_Truss Truss Creates a truss object from selected line or from scratch T, U
Arch_Wall Wall Creates a wall object from scratch or from a selected object (wire, face or solid) W, A
Arch_Window Window Creates a window object from a selected object (wire, rectangle or sketch) W, N

Draft Workbench

Draft quirks:

The Draft workbench handles some shortcuts in unique ways.

First, in "Edit -> Preferences -> Draft -> User interface settings", there is a list of "In-Command Shortcuts". These shortcuts are available if a Draft tool is active and the cursor is blinking inside a text box. Regular hotkeys (letter-only keyboard shortcuts) are disabled while a textbox is active, so these shortcuts won't interfere with anything. After text is entered into the text box, In-Command Shortcuts will deactivate and act as regular letter keys. For example, if the user types "sn15 in", S will toggle snapping, the first N activates the "Wipe" command, and the second N will type "n" because it comes after "15 i".
Default In-Command Shortcuts:
Relative = R Continue = T Close = O
Copy = P Subelement Mode = D Fill = L
Exit = A Select Edge = E Add Hold = Q
Length = H Wipe = N Set WP = U
Cycle Snap = ` Global = G (nothing)
Snap = S Increase Radius = [ Decrease Radius = ]
Restrict X = X Restrict Y = Y Restrict Z = Z
Second, in "Edit -> Preferences -> Draft -> Grid and snapping", there are three "Snapping" modifiers that can be changed by the user. By default, Constrain mod = Shift, Snap mod = Ctrl, and Alt mod = Alt. Notably, these settings do not affect the Dimension (Draft_Dimension) tool. Dimension is always hard-coded to be Shift=Snap, Ctrl=Constrain, and Alt=Angle/edge length.
Third, it is difficult to set shortcuts for Draft Snap commands. See this forum thread for a workaround:

Normal Draft Stuff:

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

After all of that, here is the normal list of Draft commands and shortcuts.

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Draft_AddConstruction Add to Construction group Adds the selected objects to the construction group, and changes their appearance to the construction style. It creates a construction group if it doesn't exist.
Draft_AddNamedGroup Add a new named group Add a new group with a given name
Draft_AddToGroup Move to group... Moves the selected objects to an existing group, or removes them from any group. Create a group first to use this tool.
Draft_AnnotationStyleEditor Annotation styles... Manage or create annotation styles
Draft_ApplyStyle Apply current style Applies the current style defined in the toolbar (line width and colors) to the selected objects and groups.
Draft_Arc Arc Creates a circular arc by a center point and a radius. CTRL to snap, SHIFT to constrain. A, R
Draft_ArcTools Arc tools Create various types of circular arcs.
Draft_Arc_3Points Arc by 3 points Creates a circular arc by picking 3 points. CTRL to snap, SHIFT to constrain. A,T
Draft_Array Array Creates an array from a selected object. By default, it is a 2x2 orthogonal array. Once the array is created its type can be changed to polar or circular, and its properties can be modified. Warning: Command Draft_Array not in use yet
Draft_ArrayTools Array tools Create various types of arrays, including rectangular, polar, circular, path, and point
Draft_AutoGroup Autogroup Select a group to add all Draft and Arch objects to. Warning: Command Draft_AutoGroup not in use yet
Draft_BSpline B-spline Creates a multiple-point B-spline. CTRL to snap, SHIFT to constrain. B, S
Draft_BezCurve Bézier curve Creates an N-degree Bezier curve. The more points you pick, the higher the degree. CTRL to snap, SHIFT to constrain. B, Z
Draft_BezierTools Bézier tools Create various types of Bézier curves
Draft_Circle Circle Creates a circle (full circular arc). CTRL to snap, ALT to select tangent objects. C, I
Draft_CircularArray Circular array Creates copies of a selected object, and places the copies in a circular pattern. The properties of the array can be further modified after the new object is created, including turning it into a different type of array.
Draft_Clone Clone Creates a clone of the selected objects. The resulting clone can be scaled in each of its three directions. C,L
Draft_CubicBezCurve Cubic Bézier curve Creates a Bezier curve made of 2nd degree (quadratic) and 3rd degree (cubic) segments. Click and drag to define each segment. After the curve is created you can go back to edit each control point and set the properties of each knot. CTRL to snap, SHIFT to constrain.
Draft_Dimension Dimension Creates a dimension.Pick three points to create a simple linear dimension. Select a straight line to create a linear dimension linked to that line. Select an arc or circle to create a radius or diameter dimension linked to that arc. Select two straight lines to create an angular dimension between them.CTRL to snap, SHIFT to constrain, ALT to select an edge or arc. You may select a single line or single circular arc before launching this command to create the corresponding linked dimension.You may also select an 'App::MeasureDistance' object before launching this command to turn it into a 'Draft Dimension' object. D, I
Draft_Downgrade Downgrade Downgrades the selected objects into simpler shapes. The result of the operation depends on the types of objects, which may be able to be downgraded several times in a row. For example, it explodes the selected polylines into simpler faces, wires, and then edges. It can also subtract faces. D, N
Draft_Draft2Sketch Draft to Sketch Convert bidirectionally between Draft objects and Sketches. Many Draft objects will be converted into a single non-constrained Sketch. However, a single sketch with disconnected traces will be converted into several individual Draft objects.
Draft_Drawing Drawing Creates a 2D projection on a Drawing Workbench page from the selected objects.This command is OBSOLETE since the Drawing Workbench became obsolete in 0.17. Use TechDraw Workbench instead for generating technical drawings.
Draft_Edit Edit Edits the active object. Press E or ALT+LeftClick to display context menu on supported nodes and on supported objects. D, E
Draft_Ellipse Ellipse Creates an ellipse. CTRL to snap. E, L
Draft_Facebinder Facebinder Creates a facebinder object from selected faces. F,F
Draft_Fillet Fillet Creates a fillet between two wires or edges. F, I
Draft_FlipDimension Flip dimension Flip the normal direction of the selected dimensions (linear, radial, angular). If other objects are selected they are ignored.
Draft_Hatch Hatch Creates hatches on the faces of a selected object H, A
Draft_Heal Heal Heal faulty Draft objects saved with an earlier version of the program. If an object is selected it will try to heal that object in particular, otherwise it will try to heal all objects in the active document.
Draft_Join Join Joins the selected lines or polylines into a single object. The lines must share a common point at the start or at the end for the operation to succeed. J, O
Draft_Label Label Creates a label, optionally attached to a selected object or subelement. First select a vertex, an edge, or a face of an object, then call this command, and then set the position of the leader line and the textual label. The label will be able to display information about this object, and about the selected subelement, if any. If many objects or many subelements are selected, only the first one in each case will be used to provide information to the label. D, L
Draft_Layer Layer Adds a layer to the document. Objects added to this layer can share the same visual properties such as line color, line width, and shape color
Draft_Line Line Creates a 2-point line. CTRL to snap, SHIFT to constrain. L,I
Draft_LinkArray LinkArray Like the Array tool, but creates a 'Link array' instead. A 'Link array' is more efficient when handling many copies but the 'Fuse' option cannot be used. Warning: Command Draft_LinkArray not in use yet
Draft_Mirror Mirror Mirrors the selected objects along a line defined by two points. M, I
Draft_Move Move Moves the selected objects from one base point to another point. If the "copy" option is active, it will create displaced copies. CTRL to snap, SHIFT to constrain. M, V
Draft_Offset Offset Offsets of the selected object. It can also create an offset copy of the original object. CTRL to snap, SHIFT to constrain. Hold ALT and click to create a copy with each click. O, S
Draft_OrthoArray Array Creates copies of the selected object, and places the copies in an orthogonal pattern, meaning the copies follow the specified direction in the X, Y, Z axes. The array can be turned into a polar or a circular array by changing its type.
Draft_PathArray Path array Creates copies of the selected object along a selected path.\nFirst select the object, and then select the path.\nThe path can be a polyline, B-spline, Bezier curve, or even edges from other objects.
Draft_PathLinkArray Path Link array Like the PathArray tool, but creates a 'Link array' instead. A 'Link array' is more efficient when handling many copies but the 'Fuse' option cannot be used.
Draft_PathTwistedArray Path twisted array Creates copies of the selected object along a selected path, and twists the copies.\nFirst select the object, and then select the path.\nThe path can be a polyline, B-spline, Bezier curve, or even edges from other objects
Draft_PathTwistedLinkArray Path twisted Link array Like the PathTwistedArray tool, but creates a 'Link array' instead.\nA 'Link array' is more efficient when handling many copies but the 'Fuse' option cannot be used.
Draft_Point Point Creates a point object. Click anywhere on the 3D view.
Draft_PointArray Point array Creates copies of the selected object, and places the copies at the position of various points. The points need to be grouped under a compound of points before using this tool. To create this compound, select various points and then use the Part Compound tool, or use the Draft Upgrade tool to create a 'Block', or create a Sketch and add simple points to it. Select the base object, and then select the compound or the sketch to create the point array.
Draft_PointLinkArray PointLinkArray Like the PointArray tool, but creates a 'Point link array' instead.\nA 'Point link array' is more efficient when handling many copies.
Draft_PolarArray Polar array Creates copies of the selected object, and places the copies in a polar pattern defined by a center of rotation and its angle. The array can be turned into an orthogonal or a circular array by changing its type.
Draft_Polygon Polygon Creates a regular polygon (triangle, square, pentagon, ...), by defining the number of sides and the circumscribed radius. CTRL to snap, SHIFT to constrain P, G
Draft_Rectangle Rectangle Creates a 2-point rectangle. CTRL to snap. R, E
Draft_Rotate Rotate Rotates the selected objects. Choose the center of rotation, then the initial angle, and then the final angle. If the "copy" option is active, it will create rotated copies. CTRL to snap, SHIFT to constrain. Hold ALT and click to create a copy with each click. R, O
Draft_Scale Scale Scales the selected objects from a base point. CTRL to snap, SHIFT to constrain, ALT to copy. S, C
Draft_SelectGroup Select group Selects the contents of selected groups. For selected non-group objects, the contents of the group they are in is selected.
Draft_SelectPlane Select Plane Select the face of solid body to create a working plane on which to sketch Draft objects. You may also select a three vertices or a Working Plane Proxy. W, P
Draft_SetStyle Set style Sets default styles S, S
Draft_Shape2DView Shape 2D view Creates a 2D projection of the selected objects on the XY plane. The initial projection direction is the negative of the current active view direction. You can select individual faces to project, or the entire solid, and also include hidden lines. These projections can be used to create technical drawings with the TechDraw Workbench.
Draft_ShapeString Shape from text Creates a shape from a text string by choosing a specific font and a placement. The closed shapes can be used for extrusions and boolean operations.
Draft_ShowSnapBar Show snap toolbar Show the snap toolbar if it is hidden.
Draft_Slope Set slope Sets the slope of the selected line by changing the value of the Z value of one of its points. If a polyline is selected, it will apply the slope transformation to each of its segments. The slope will always change the Z value, therefore this command only works well for straight Draft lines that are drawn in the XY plane. Selected objects that aren't single lines will be ignored.
Draft_Snap_Angle Angle Set snapping to points in a circular arc located at multiples of 30 and 45 degree angles.
Draft_Snap_Center Center Set snapping to the center of a circular arc.
Draft_Snap_Dimensions Show dimensions Show temporary linear dimensions when editing an object and using other snapping methods.
Draft_Snap_Endpoint Endpoint Set snapping to endpoints of an edge.
Draft_Snap_Extension Extension Set snapping to the extension of an edge.
Draft_Snap_Grid Grid Set snapping to the intersection of grid lines.
Draft_Snap_Intersection Intersection Set snapping to the intersection of edges.
Draft_Snap_Lock Main snapping toggle On/Off Activates or deactivates all snap methods at once. Shift+S
Draft_Snap_Midpoint Midpoint Set snapping to the midpoint of an edge.
Draft_Snap_Near Nearest Set snapping to the nearest point of an edge.
Draft_Snap_Ortho Orthogonal Set snapping to a direction that is a multiple of 45 degrees from a point.
Draft_Snap_Parallel Parallel Set snapping to a direction that is parallel to an edge.
Draft_Snap_Perpendicular Perpendicular Set snapping to a direction that is perpendicular to an edge.
Draft_Snap_Special Special Set snapping to the special points defined inside an object.
Draft_Snap_WorkingPlane Working plane Restricts snapping to a point in the current working plane. If you select a point outside the working plane, for example, by using other snapping methods, it will snap to that point's projection in the current working plane.
Draft_Split Split Splits the selected line or polyline into two independent lines or polylines by clicking anywhere along the original object. It works best when choosing a point on a straight segment and not a corner vertex. S, P
Draft_Stretch Stretch Stretches the selected objects. Select an object, then draw a rectangle to pick the vertices that will be stretched, then draw a line to specify the distance and direction of stretching. S, H
Draft_SubelementHighlight Subelement highlight Highlight the subelements of the selected objects, so that they can then be edited with the move, rotate, and scale tools. H, S
Draft_Text Text Creates a multi-line annotation. CTRL to snap. T, E
Draft_ToggleConstructionMode Toggle construction mode Toggles the Construction mode. When this is active, the following objects created will be included in the construction group, and will be drawn with the specified color and properties. C, M
Draft_ToggleContinueMode Toggle continue mode Toggles the Continue mode. When this is active, any drawing tool that is terminated will automatically start again. This can be used to draw several objects one after the other in succession.
Draft_ToggleDisplayMode Toggle normal/wireframe display Switches the display mode of selected objects from flatlines to wireframe and back. This is helpful to quickly visualize objects that are hidden by other objects. This is intended to be used with closed shapes and solids, and doesn't affect open wires. Shift+Space
Draft_ToggleGrid Toggle grid Toggles the Draft grid on and off. G,R
Draft_Trimex Trimex Trims or extends the selected object, or extrudes single faces. CTRL snaps, SHIFT constrains to current segment or to normal, ALT inverts. T, R
Draft_Upgrade Upgrade Upgrades the selected objects into more complex shapes. The result of the operation depends on the types of objects, which may be able to be upgraded several times in a row. For example, it can join the selected objects into one, convert simple edges into parametric polylines, convert closed edges into filled faces and parametric polygons, and merge faces into a single face. U, P
Draft_Wire Polyline Creates a multiple-points line (polyline). CTRL to snap, SHIFT to constrain. P, L
Draft_WireToBSpline Wire to B-spline Converts a selected polyline to a B-spline, or a B-spline to a polyline.
Draft_WorkingPlaneProxy Create working plane proxy Creates a proxy object from the current working plane. Once the object is created double click it in the tree view to restore the camera position and objects' visibilities. Then you can use it to save a different camera position and objects' states any time you need.

Drawing Workbench

The Drawing Workbench has been obsolete since 0.17 and exists for compatibility with older files.

Command Description Shortcut Comment
Drawing_Annotation Inserts an Annotation view in the active drawing
Drawing_Clip Inserts a clip group in the active drawing
Drawing_DraftView Inserts a Draft view of the selected object(s) in the active drawing
Drawing_ExportPage Export a page to an SVG file
Drawing_NewA3Landscape Insert new A3 landscape drawing
Drawing_NewPage Insert new drawing
Drawing_NewView Insert a new View of a Part in the active drawing
Drawing_Open Open a scalable vector graphic
Drawing_OpenBrowserView Opens the selected page in a browser view
Drawing_OrthoViews Insert an orthographic projection of a part in the active drawing
Drawing_ProjectShape Project shape onto a user-defined plane
Drawing_SpreadsheetView Inserts a view of a selected spreadsheet in the active drawing
Drawing_Symbol Inserts a symbol from a svg file in the active drawing

FEM Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Note: FEM Workbench shortcuts no longer conflict with one another!

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
FEM_Analysis Analysis container Creates an analysis container with standard solver CalculiX S, A
FEM_ClippingPlaneAdd Clipping plane on face Add a clipping plane on a selected face
FEM_ClippingPlaneRemoveAll Remove all clipping planes Remove all clipping planes
FEM_ConstantVacuumPermittivity Constant vacuum permittivity Creates a FEM constant vacuum permittivity to overwrite standard value
FEM_ConstraintBearing Constraint bearing Creates a FEM constraint for a bearing
FEM_ConstraintBodyHeatSource Constraint body heat source Creates a FEM constraint body heat source
FEM_ConstraintCentrif Constraint centrif Creates a FEM constraint centrif
FEM_ConstraintContact Constraint contact Creates a FEM constraint for contact between faces
FEM_ConstraintDisplacement Constraint displacement Creates a FEM constraint for a displacement acting on a geometric entity
FEM_ConstraintElectrostaticPotential Constraint electrostatic potential Creates a FEM constraint electrostatic potential
FEM_ConstraintFixed Constraint fixed Creates a FEM constraint for a fixed geometric entity
FEM_ConstraintFlowVelocity Constraint flow velocity Creates a FEM constraint flow velocity
FEM_ConstraintFluidBoundary Fluid boundary condition Create fluid boundary condition on face entity for Computional Fluid Dynamics
FEM_ConstraintForce Constraint force Creates a FEM constraint for a force acting on a geometric entity
FEM_ConstraintGear Constraint gear Creates a FEM constraint for a gear
FEM_ConstraintHeatflux Constraint heatflux Creates a FEM constraint for a heatflux acting on a face
FEM_ConstraintInitialFlowVelocity Constraint initial flow velocity Creates a FEM constraint initial flow velocity
FEM_ConstraintInitialTemperature Constraint initial temperature Creates a FEM constraint for initial temperature acting on a body
FEM_ConstraintPlaneRotation Constraint plane rotation Creates a FEM constraint for plane rotation face
FEM_ConstraintPressure Constraint pressure Creates a FEM constraint for a pressure acting on a face
FEM_ConstraintPulley Constraint pulley Creates a FEM constraint for a pulley
FEM_ConstraintSectionPrint Constraint sectionprint Creates a FEM constraint sectionprint
FEM_ConstraintSelfWeight Constraint self weight Creates a FEM constraint self weight
FEM_ConstraintSpring Constraint spring Creates a FEM constraint for a spring acting on a face
FEM_ConstraintTemperature Constraint temperature Creates a FEM constraint for a temperature/concentrated heat flux acting on a face
FEM_ConstraintTie Constraint tie Creates a FEM constraint tie
FEM_ConstraintTransform Constraint transform Create FEM constraint for transforming a face
FEM_CreateNodesSet Nodes set Creates a FEM mesh nodes set
FEM_DefineNodesSet Node set by poly Create node set by Poly Warning: Command FEM_DefineNodesSet not in use yet
FEM_ElementFluid1D Fluid section for 1D flow Creates a FEM fluid section for 1D flow
FEM_ElementGeometry1D Beam cross section Creates a FEM beam cross section
FEM_ElementGeometry2D Shell plate thickness Creates a FEM shell plate thickness
FEM_ElementRotation1D Beam rotation Creates a FEM beam rotation
FEM_EquationElasticity Elasticity equation Creates a FEM equation for elasticity
FEM_EquationElectricforce Electricforce equation Creates a FEM equation for electric forces
FEM_EquationElectrostatic Electrostatic equation Creates a FEM equation for electrostatic
FEM_EquationFlow Flow equation Creates a FEM equation for flow
FEM_EquationFlux Flux equation Creates a FEM equation for fluxsolver
FEM_EquationHeat Heat equation Creates a FEM equation for heat
FEM_Examples Open FEM examples Open FEM examples
FEM_FEMMesh2Mesh FEM mesh to mesh Convert the surface of a FEM mesh to a mesh Called FEM_FemMesh2Mesh in this Wiki.
FEM_MaterialEditor Material editor Opens the FreeCAD material editor
FEM_MaterialFluid Material for fluid Creates a FEM material for fluid
FEM_MaterialMechanicalNonlinear Nonlinear mechanical material Creates a nonlinear mechanical material
FEM_MaterialReinforced Reinforced material (concrete) Creates a material for reinforced matrix material such as concrete
FEM_MaterialSolid Material for solid Creates a FEM material for solid M, S
FEM_MeshBoundaryLayer FEM mesh boundary layer Creates a FEM mesh boundary layer
FEM_MeshClear Clear FEM mesh Clear the Mesh of a FEM mesh object
FEM_MeshDisplayInfo Display FEM mesh info Display FEM mesh info
FEM_MeshGmshFromShape FEM mesh from shape by Gmsh Create a FEM mesh from a shape by Gmsh mesher
FEM_MeshGroup FEM mesh group Creates a FEM mesh group
FEM_MeshNetgenFromShape FEM mesh from shape by Netgen Create a FEM mesh from a solid or face shape by Netgen internal mesher Warning: Command FEM_MeshNetgenFromShape not in use yet
FEM_MeshRegion FEM mesh region Creates a FEM mesh region
FEM_PostApplyChanges Apply changes to pipeline Apply changes to parameters directly and not on recompute only...
FEM_PostCreateFunctions Filter functions Functions for use in postprocessing filter...
FEM_PostFilterClipRegion Region clip filter Define/create a clip filter which uses functions to define the cliped region
FEM_PostFilterClipScalar Scalar clip filter Define/create a clip filter which clips a field with a scalar value
FEM_PostFilterCutFunction Function cut filter Cut the data along an implicit function
FEM_PostFilterDataAlongLine Line clip filter Define/create a clip filter which clips a field along a line
FEM_PostFilterDataAtPoint Data at point clip filter Define/create a clip filter which clips a field data at point
FEM_PostFilterLinearizedStresses Stress linearization plot Define/create stress linearization plots
FEM_PostFilterWarp Warp filter Warp the geometry along a vector field by a certain factor
FEM_PostPipelineFromResult Post pipeline from result Creates a post processing pipeline from a result object
FEM_ResultShow Show result Shows and visualizes selected result data R, S
FEM_ResultsPurge Purge results Purges all results from active analysis R, P
FEM_SolverCalculiX Solver CalculiX (new framework) Creates a FEM solver CalculiX new framework (less result error handling) S, C
FEM_SolverCalculixCxxtools Solver CalculiX Standard Creates a standard FEM solver CalculiX with ccx tools S, X
FEM_SolverControl Solver job control Changes solver attributes and runs the calculations for the selected solver S, T
FEM_SolverElmer Solver Elmer Creates a FEM solver Elmer S, E
FEM_SolverMystran Solver Mystran Creates a FEM solver Mystran S, M
FEM_SolverRun Run solver calculations Runs the calculations for the selected solver S, R
FEM_SolverZ88 Solver Z88 Creates a FEM solver Z88 S, Z

Image Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Image_CreateImagePlane Create image plane... Create a planar image in the 3D space
Image_Open Open... Open image view
Image_Scaling Scale image plane Scales an image plane by defining a distance between two points

Inspection Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Image Description Shortcut Comment
Inspection_InspectElement Inspection... Get distance information
Inspection_VisualInspection Visual inspection... Visual inspection

Mesh Design Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1...

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
MeshPart_CreateFlatFace Unwrap Face find a flat representation of a mesh
MeshPart_CreateFlatMesh Unwrap Mesh find a flat representation of a mesh
MeshPart_CrossSections Cross-sections... Cross-sections Warning: Command MeshPart_CrossSections not in use yet
MeshPart_CurveOnMesh Curve on mesh... Creates an approximated curve on top of a mesh. This command only works with a 'mesh' object Warning: Command MeshPart_CurveOnMesh not in use yet
MeshPart_Mesher Create mesh from shape... Tessellate shape Warning: Command MeshPart_Mesher not in use yet
MeshPart_SectionByPlane Create section from mesh and plane Section Warning: Command MeshPart_SectionByPlane not in use yet
MeshPart_TrimByPlane Trim mesh with a plane Trims a mesh with a plane Warning: Command MeshPart_TrimByPlane not in use yet
Mesh_AddFacet Add triangle Add triangle manually to a mesh
Mesh_BoundingBox Boundings info... Shows the boundings of the selected mesh
Mesh_BuildRegularSolid Regular solid... Builds a regular solid
Mesh_CrossSections Cross-sections... Cross-sections
Mesh_CurvatureInfo Curvature info Information about curvature
Mesh_Decimating Decimation... Decimates a mesh
Mesh_Difference Difference Difference
Mesh_EvaluateFacet Face info Information about face
Mesh_EvaluateSolid Check solid mesh Checks whether the mesh is a solid
Mesh_Evaluation Evaluate and repair mesh... Opens a dialog to analyze and repair a mesh
Mesh_Export Export mesh... Exports a mesh to file
Mesh_FillInteractiveHole Close hole Close holes interactively
Mesh_FillupHoles Fill holes... Fill holes of the mesh
Mesh_FlipNormals Flip normals Flips the normals of the mesh
Mesh_FromGeometry Create mesh from geometry... Create mesh from the selected geometry Warning: Command Mesh_FromGeometry not in use yet
Mesh_FromPartShape Create mesh from shape... Tessellate shape
Mesh_HarmonizeNormals Harmonize normals Harmonizes the normals of the mesh
Mesh_Import Import mesh... Imports a mesh from file
Mesh_Intersection Intersection Intersection
Mesh_Merge Merge Merges selected meshes into one
Mesh_PolyCut Cut mesh Cuts a mesh with a picked polygon
Mesh_PolySegm Make segment Creates a mesh segment Warning: Command Mesh_PolySegm not in use yet
Mesh_PolySplit Split mesh Splits a mesh into two meshes Warning: Command Mesh_PolySplit not in use yet
Mesh_PolyTrim Trim mesh Trims a mesh with a picked polygon
Mesh_RemeshGmsh Refinement... Refine existing mesh
Mesh_RemoveCompByHand Remove components by hand... Mark a component to remove it from the mesh
Mesh_RemoveComponents Remove components... Remove topologic independent components from the mesh
Mesh_Scale Scale... Scale selected meshes
Mesh_SectionByPlane Create section from mesh and plane Section from mesh and plane
Mesh_Segmentation Create mesh segments... Create mesh segments
Mesh_SegmentationBestFit Create mesh segments from best-fit surfaces... Create mesh segments from best-fit surfaces
Mesh_Smoothing Smooth... Smooth the selected meshes
Mesh_SplitComponents Split by components Split selected mesh into its components
Mesh_TrimByPlane Trim mesh with a plane Trims a mesh with a plane
Mesh_Union Union Union
Mesh_VertexCurvature Curvature plot Calculates the curvature of the vertices of a mesh

OpenSCAD Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Image Description Shortcut Comment
OpenSCAD_AddOpenSCADElement Add OpenSCAD Element... Add an OpenSCAD element by entering OpenSCAD code and executing the OpenSCAD binary
OpenSCAD_ColorCodeShape Color Shapes Color Shapes by validity and type Warning: Command OpenSCAD_ColorCodeShape not in use yet
OpenSCAD_Edgestofaces Convert Edges To Faces Convert Edges to Faces
OpenSCAD_ExpandPlacements Expand Placements Expand all placements downwards the FeatureTree
OpenSCAD_ExplodeGroup Explode Group Remove fusion, apply placement to children, and color randomly
OpenSCAD_Hull Hull Perform Hull
OpenSCAD_IncreaseToleranceFeature Increase Tolerance Feature Create Feature that allows to increase the tolerance
OpenSCAD_MeshBoolean Mesh Boolean... Export objects as meshes and use OpenSCAD to perform a boolean operation
OpenSCAD_Minkowski Minkowski Perform Minkowski
OpenSCAD_MirrorMeshFeature Mirror Mesh Feature... Create Mirror Mesh Feature
OpenSCAD_RefineShapeFeature Refine Shape Feature Create Refine Shape Feature
OpenSCAD_RemoveSubtree Remove Objects and their Children Removes the selected objects and all children that are not referenced from other objects
OpenSCAD_ReplaceObject Replace Object Replace an object in the Feature Tree. Please select old, new, and parent object
OpenSCAD_ResizeMeshFeature Resize Mesh Feature... Create Resize Mesh Feature
OpenSCAD_ScaleMeshFeature Scale Mesh Feature... Create Scale Mesh Feature

PartDesign Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
PartDesign_AdditiveHelix Additive helix Sweep a selected sketch along a helix
PartDesign_AdditiveLoft Additive loft Loft a selected profile through other profile sections
PartDesign_AdditivePipe Additive pipe Sweep a selected sketch along a path or to other profiles
PartDesign_Body Create body Create a new body and make it active
PartDesign_Boolean Boolean operation Boolean operation with two or more bodies
PartDesign_Chamfer Chamfer Chamfer the selected edges of a shape
PartDesign_Clone Create a clone Create a new clone
PartDesign_CompPrimitiveAdditive Create an additive primitive Create an additive primitive
PartDesign_CompPrimitiveSubtractive Create a subtractive primitive Create a subtractive primitive
PartDesign_CoordinateSystem Create a local coordinate system Create a new local coordinate system
PartDesign_Draft Draft Make a draft on a face
PartDesign_DuplicateSelection Duplicate selected object Duplicates the selected object and adds it to the active body
PartDesign_Fillet Fillet Make a fillet on an edge, face or body
PartDesign_Groove Groove Groove a selected sketch
PartDesign_Hole Hole Create a hole with the selected sketch
PartDesign_InvoluteGear Involute gear... Creates or edit the involute gear definition.
PartDesign_Line Create a datum line Create a new datum line
PartDesign_LinearPattern LinearPattern Create a linear pattern feature
PartDesign_Migrate Migrate Migrate document to the modern PartDesign workflow
PartDesign_Mirrored Mirrored Create a mirrored feature
PartDesign_MoveFeature Move object to other body Moves the selected object to another body Warning: PartDesign_MoveFeature not in use yet
PartDesign_MoveFeatureInTree Move object after other object Moves the selected object and insert it after another object Warning: Command PartDesign_MoveFeatureInTree not in use yet
PartDesign_MoveTip Set tip Move the tip of the body Warning: Command PartDesign_MoveTip not in use yet
PartDesign_MultiTransform Create MultiTransform Create a multitransform feature
PartDesign_NewSketch Create sketch Create a new sketch
PartDesign_Pad Pad Pad a selected sketch
PartDesign_Plane Create a datum plane Create a new datum plane
PartDesign_Pocket Pocket Create a pocket with the selected sketch
PartDesign_Point Create a datum point Create a new datum point
PartDesign_PolarPattern PolarPattern Create a polar pattern feature
PartDesign_Revolution Revolution Revolve a selected sketch
PartDesign_ShapeBinder Create a shape binder Create a new shape binder
PartDesign_Sprocket Sprocket... Creates or edit the sprocket definition.
PartDesign_SubShapeBinder Create a sub-object(s) shape binder Create a sub-object(s) shape binder
PartDesign_SubtractiveHelix Subtractive helix Sweep a selected sketch along a helix and remove it from the body
PartDesign_SubtractiveLoft Subtractive loft Loft a selected profile through other profile sections and remove it from the body
PartDesign_SubtractivePipe Subtractive pipe Sweep a selected sketch along a path or to other profiles and remove it from the body
PartDesign_Thickness Thickness Make a thick solid
PartDesign_WizardShaft Shaft design wizard... Start the shaft design wizard
PartDesign_WizardShaftCallBack Shaft design wizard... Start the shaft design wizard Warning: Command PartDesign_WizardShaftCallBack not in use yet

Part Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Part_Boolean Boolean... Run a boolean operation with two shapes selected
Part_BooleanFragments Boolean fragments Create a 'Boolean Fragments' object from two or more selected objects, or from the shapes inside a compound. This is a boolean union which is then sliced at the intersections of the original shapes. A 'Compound Filter' can be used to extract the individual slices
Part_Box Cube Create a cube solid
Part_BoxSelection Box selection Box selection
Part_Builder Shape builder... Advanced utility to create shapes
Part_Chamfer Chamfer... Chamfer the selected edges of a shape
Part_CheckGeometry Check Geometry Analyzes Geometry For Errors
Part_ColorPerFace Color per face Set the color of each individual face of the selected object Part_FaceColors
Part_Common Intersection Make an intersection of two shapes
Part_CompCompoundTools Compound tools Compound tools: working with lists of shapes
Part_CompJoinFeatures Join objects... Join walled objects
Part_CompOffset Offset: Tools to offset shapes (construct parallel shapes)
Part_CompSplitFeatures Split objects... Shape splitting tools. Compsolid creation tools. OCC 6.9.0 or later is required.
Part_Compound Make compound Make a compound of several shapes
Part_CompoundFilter Compound Filter Filter out objects from a selected compound by characteristics like volume, area, or length, or by choosing specific items. If a second object is selected, it will be used as reference, for example, for collision or distance filtering.
Part_Cone Cone Create a cone solid
Part_CrossSections Cross-sections... Cross-sections
Part_Cut Cut Make a cut of two shapes
Part_Cylinder Cylinder Create a Cylinder
Part_Defeaturing Defeaturing Remove feature from a shape
Part_EditAttachment Attachment... Edit attachment of selected object.
Part_ElementCopy Create shape element copy Create a non-parametric copy of the selected shape element
Part_ExplodeCompound Explode compound Split up a compound of shapes into separate objects. It will create a 'Compound Filter' for each shape.
Part_Export Export CAD... Exports to a CAD file
Part_Extrude Extrude... Extrude a selected sketch
Part_Fillet Fillet... Fillet the selected edges of a shape
Part_Fuse Union Make a union of several shapes
Part_Import Import CAD... Imports a CAD file
Part_ImportCurveNet Import curve network... Import a curve network Command Part_ImportCurveNet not in use yet
Part_JoinConnect Connect objects Fuses objects, taking care to preserve voids.
Part_JoinCutout Cutout for object Makes a cutout in one object to fit another object.
Part_JoinEmbed Embed object Fuses one object into another, taking care to preserve voids.
Part_Loft Loft... Utility to loft
Part_MakeFace Make face from wires Make face from set of wires (e.g. from a sketch)
Part_MakeSolid Convert to solid Create solid from a shell or compound
Part_Measure_Angular Measure Angular Measure the angle between two edges
Part_Measure_Clear_All Clear All Clear all dimensions from the screen.
Part_Measure_Linear Measure Linear Measure the linear distance between two points; if edges or faces are picked, it will measure between two vertices of them.
Part_Measure_Refresh Refresh Recalculate the dimensions if the measured points have moved.
Part_Measure_Toggle_3D Toggle 3D Toggle on and off all direct dimensions, including angular.
Part_Measure_Toggle_All Toggle All Toggle on and off all currently visible dimensions,direct, orthogonal, and angular.
Part_Measure_Toggle_Delta Toggle Delta Toggle on and off all orthogonal dimensions, meaning that a direct dimension will be decomposed into its X, Y, and Z components.
Part_Mirror Mirroring... Mirroring a selected shape
Part_Offset 3D Offset... Utility to offset in 3D
Part_Offset2D 2D Offset... Utility to offset planar shapes
Part_PickCurveNet Pick curve network Pick a curve network Command Part_PickCurveNet not in use yet
Part_PointsFromMesh Create points object from mesh Create selectable points object from selected mesh object
Part_Primitives Create primitives... Creation of parametrized geometric primitives
Part_ProjectionOnSurface Create projection on surface... Project edges, wires, or faces of one object onto a face of another object. The camera view determines the direction of projection.
Part_RefineShape Refine shape Refine the copy of a shape
Part_ReverseShape Reverse shapes File:Part ReverseShapes.svg Reverse orientation of shapes Part_ReverseShapes
Part_Revolve Revolve... Revolve a selected shape
Part_RuledSurface Create ruled surface Create a ruled surface from either two Edges or two wires
Part_Section Section Make a section of two shapes
Part_SectionCut Persistent section cut Creates a persistent section cut of visible part objects Listed in View Category.
Part_ShapeFromMesh Create shape from mesh... Create shape from selected mesh object
Part_ShapeInfo Shape info... Info about shape Command Part_ShapeInfo not in use yet
Part_SimpleCopy Create simple copy Create a simple non-parametric copy
Part_SimpleCylinder Create Cylinder... Create a Cylinder Command Part_SimpleCylinder not in use yet
Part_Slice Slice to compound Slice a selected object by using other objects as cutting tools. The resulting pieces will be stored in a compound. A 'Compound Filter' can be used to extract the individual slices.
Part_SliceApart Slice apart Slice a selected object by other objects, and split it apart. It will create a 'Compound Filter' for each slice.
Part_Sphere Sphere Create a sphere solid
Part_Sweep Sweep... Utility to sweep
Part_Thickness Thickness... Utility to apply a thickness
Part_Torus Torus Create a torus solid
Part_TransformedCopy Create transformed copy Create a non-parametric copy with transformed placement
Part_Tube Create tube Creates a tube
Part_XOR Boolean XOR Perform an 'exclusive OR' boolean operation with two or more selected objects, or with the shapes inside a compound. This means the overlapping volumes of the shapes will be removed. A 'Compound Filter' can be used to extract the remaining pieces.

Path Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Path_Adaptive Adaptive Adaptive clearing and profiling
Path_Area Area Creates a feature area from selected objects Command Path_Area not in use yet
Path_Area_Workplane Area workplane Select a workplane for a FeatureArea Command Path_Area_Workplane not in use yet
Path_Array Array Creates an array from selected path(s)
Path_Comment Comment Add a Comment to your CNC program
Path_Compound Compound Creates a compound from selected paths Command Path_Compound not in use yet
Path_Custom Custom Create custom gcode snippet
Path_Deburr Deburr Creates a Deburr Path along Edges or around Faces
Path_DressupAxisMap Axis Map Dress-up Remap one axis to another.
Path_DressupDogbone Dogbone Dress-up Creates a Dogbone Dress-up object from a selected path
Path_DressupDragKnife DragKnife Dress-up Modifies a path to add dragknife corner actions
Path_DressupLeadInOut LeadInOut Dressup Creates a Cutter Radius Compensation G41/G42 Entry Dressup object from a selected path
Path_DressupPathBoundary Boundary Dress-up Creates a Path Boundary Dress-up object from a selected path
Path_DressupRampEntry RampEntry Dress-up Creates a Ramp Entry Dress-up object from a selected path
Path_DressupTag Tag Dress-up Creates a Tag Dress-up object from a selected path
Path_DressupZCorrect Z Depth Correction Dress-up Use Probe Map to correct Z depth
Path_Drilling Drilling Creates a Path Drilling object from a features of a base object
Path_Engrave Engrave Creates an Engraving Path around a Draft ShapeString
Path_EngraveTools Engraving Operations Engraving Operations
Path_ExportTemplate Export Template Exports Path Job as a template to be used for other jobs
Path_Fixture Fixture Creates a Fixture Offset object
Path_Helix Helix Creates a Path Helix object from a features of a base object
Path_Hop Hop Creates a Path Hop object Command Path_Hop not in use yet
Path_Inspect Inspect Path Commands Inspects the contents of a Path object P, I
Path_Job Job Creates a Path Job object P, J
Path_MillFace Face Create a Facing Operation from a model or face
Path_OpActiveToggle Toggle the Active State of the Operation Toggle the Active State of the Operation P, X
Path_OperationCopy Copy the operation in the job Copy the operation in the job
Path_Pocket3D 3D Pocket Creates a Path 3D Pocket object from a face or faces
Path_Pocket_Shape Pocket Shape Creates a Path Pocket object from a face or faces
Path_Post Post Process Post Process the selected Job P, P
Path_Probe Probe Create a Probing Grid from a job stock
Path_Profile Profile Profile entire model, selected face(s) or selected edge(s)
Path_PropertyBag PropertyBag Creates an object which can be used to store reference properties
Path_Sanity Check the path job for common errors Check the Path Project for common errors Formerly P, S. Command Path_Sanity not in use yet
Path_SelectLoop Finish Selecting Loop Complete loop selection from two edges P, L
Path_SetStartPoint Pick Start Point Pick Start Point Command Path_SetStartPoint not in use yet
Path_Shape From Shape Creates a path from a selected shape Command Path_Shape not in use yet
Path_SimpleCopy Simple Copy Creates a non-parametric copy of another path
Path_Simulator CAM Simulator Simulate Path G-Code on stock P, M
Path_Slot Slot Create a Slot operation from selected geometry or custom points. Command Path_Slot not in use yet
Path_Stop Stop Add Optional or Mandatory Stop to the program
Path_ThreadMilling Thread Milling Creates a Path Thread Milling operation from features of a base object Command Path_ThreadMilling not in use yet
Path_ToolBitCreate Create Tool Creates a new ToolBit object Command Path_ToolBitCreate not in use yet
Path_ToolBitDock ToolBit Dock Toggle the Toolbit Dock P, T
Path_ToolBitLibraryOpen ToolBit Library editor Open an editor to manage ToolBit libraries
Path_ToolBitLoad Load Tool Load an existing ToolBit object from a file Command Path_ToolBitLoad not in use yet
Path_ToolBitSave Save Tool Save an existing ToolBit object to a file Command Path_ToolBitSave not in use yet
Path_ToolBitSaveAs Save Tool as... Save an existing ToolBit object to a file Command Path_ToolBitSaveAs not in use yet
Path_ToolController Add Tool Controller to the Job Add Tool Controller Command Path_ToolController not in use yet
Path_ToolLibraryEdit Tool Manager Tool Manager OBSOLETE Formerly P, T
Path_Vcarve Vcarve Creates a medial line engraving path

Points Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Points_Convert Convert to points... Convert to points
Points_Export Export points... Exports a point cloud
Points_Import Import points... Imports a point cloud
Points_Merge Merge point clouds Merge several point clouds into one
Points_PolyCut Cut point cloud Cuts a point cloud with a picked polygon
Points_Structure Structured point cloud Convert points to structured point cloud
Points_Transform Transform Points Test to transform a point cloud Command Points_Transform not in use yet

Raytracing Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Raytracing_ExportProject &Export project... Export a Raytracing project to a file In the File category.
Raytracing_NewLuxProject New Luxrender project Insert new Luxrender project into the document Raytracing_Lux
Raytracing_NewPartSegment Insert part Insert a new part object into a Raytracing project Raytracing_InsertPart
Raytracing_NewPovrayProject New POV-Ray project Insert new POV-Ray project into the document Raytracing_New
Raytracing_Render &Render Renders the current raytracing project with an external renderer
Raytracing_ResetCamera &Reset Camera Sets the camera of the selected Raytracing project to match the current view
Raytracing_WriteCamera Export camera to POV-Ray Export the camera position of the active 3D view in POV-Ray format to a file
Raytracing_WritePart Export part to POV-Ray... Write the selected Part (object) as a POV-Ray file
Raytracing_WriteView Export view to POV-Ray... Write the active 3D view with camera and all its content to a POV-Ray file

Reverse engineering Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Image Description Shortcut Comment
Reen_ApproxCylinder Cylinder Approximate a cylinder
Reen_ApproxPlane Plane... Approximate a plane
Reen_ApproxPolynomial Polynomial surface Approximate a polynomial surface
Reen_ApproxSphere Sphere Approximate a sphere
Reen_ApproxSurface Approximate B-spline surface... Approximate a B-spline surface
Reen_MeshBoundary Wire from mesh boundary... Create wire from mesh boundaries
Reen_PoissonReconstruction Poisson... Poisson surface reconstruction
Reen_Segmentation Mesh segmentation... Create mesh segments
Reen_SegmentationFromComponents From components Create mesh segments from components
Reen_SegmentationManual Manual segmentation... Create mesh segments manually
Reen_ViewTriangulation Structured point clouds Triangulation of structured point clouds

Robot Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Robot_AddToolShape Add tool Add a tool shape to the robot
Robot_Create Place robot... Place a robot (experimental!)
Robot_CreateTrajectory Create trajectory Create a new empty trajectory
Robot_Edge2Trac Edge to Trajectory... Generate a Trajectory from a set of edges
Robot_ExportKukaCompact Kuka compact subroutine... Export the trajectory as a compact KRL subroutine. Robot_Export
Robot_ExportKukaFull Kuka full subroutine... Export the trajectory as a full KRL subroutine. Robot_Export
Robot_InsertKukaIR125 Kuka IR125 Insert a Kuka IR125 into the document.
Robot_InsertKukaIR16 Kuka IR16 Insert a Kuka IR16 into the document.
Robot_InsertKukaIR210 Kuka IR210 Insert a Kuka IR210 into the document.
Robot_InsertKukaIR500 Kuka IR500 Insert a Kuka IR500 into the document. Robot_CreateRobot
Robot_InsertWaypoint Insert in trajectory Insert robot Tool location into trajectory A
Robot_InsertWaypointPreselect Insert in trajectory Insert preselection position into trajectory (W) W Robot_InsertWaypointPre
Robot_RestoreHomePos Move to home Move to home
Robot_SetDefaultOrientation Set default orientation Set the default orientation for subsequent commands for waypoint creation
Robot_SetDefaultValues Set default values Set the default values for speed, acceleration and continuity for subsequent commands of waypoint creation
Robot_SetHomePos Set the home position Set the home position
Robot_Simulate Simulate a trajectory Run a simulation on a trajectory
Robot_TrajectoryCompound Trajectory compound... Group and connect some trajectories to one
Robot_TrajectoryDressUp Dress-up trajectory... Create a dress-up object which overrides some aspects of a trajectory

Sketcher Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Quirk: While the Create Polyline tool is active, the M key cycles its behavior. This shortcut cannot be changed.

Sketcher shortcut chart

These images show sketcher shortcuts in the shape of your keyboard. This may be convenient as a reference, but some shortcuts could not be included.

Sketcher shortcuts

This list contains all sketcher shortcuts but may be harder to understand.

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Sketcher_BSplineComb Show/hide B-spline curvature comb Switches between showing and hiding the curvature comb for all B-splines
Sketcher_BSplineConvertToNURBS Convert geometry to B-spline Converts the selected geometry to a B-spline Sketcher_BSplineApproximate
Sketcher_BSplineDecreaseDegree Decrease B-spline degree Decreases the degree of the B-spline
Sketcher_BSplineDecreaseKnotMultiplicity Decrease knot multiplicity Decreases the multiplicity of the selected knot of a B-spline
Sketcher_BSplineDegree Show/hide B-spline degree Switches between showing and hiding the degree for all B-splines
Sketcher_BSplineIncreaseDegree Increase B-spline degree Increases the degree of the B-spline
Sketcher_BSplineIncreaseKnotMultiplicity Increase knot multiplicity Increases the multiplicity of the selected knot of a B-spline
Sketcher_BSplineInsertKnot Insert knot Inserts knot at given parameter. If a knot already exists at that parameter, it's multiplicity is increased by one.
Sketcher_BSplineKnotMultiplicity Show/hide B-spline knot multiplicity Switches between showing and hiding the knot multiplicity for all B-splines
Sketcher_BSplinePoleWeight Show/hide B-spline control point weight Switches between showing and hiding the control point weight for all B-splines
Sketcher_BSplinePolygon Show/hide B-spline control polygon Switches between showing and hiding the control polygons for all B-splines
Sketcher_CarbonCopy Carbon copy Copies the geometry of another sketch G, W
Sketcher_Clone Clone Creates a clone of the geometry taking as reference the last selected point Z, L
Sketcher_CloseShape Close shape Produce a closed shape by tying the end point of one element with the next element's starting point Z, W
Sketcher_CompBSplineShowHideGeometryInformation Show/hide B-spline information layer Show/hide B-spline information layer
Sketcher_CompConstrainRadDia Constrain arc or circle Constrain an arc or a circle R Formerly Shift+R.
Sketcher_CompCopy Copy Creates a clone of the geometry taking as reference the last selected point Formerly Ctrl+C
Sketcher_CompCreateArc Create arc Create an arc in the sketcher
Sketcher_CompCreateBSpline Create a B-spline Create a B-spline in the sketch
Sketcher_CompCreateCircle Create circle Create a circle in the sketcher
Sketcher_CompCreateConic Create a conic Create a conic in the sketch
Sketcher_CompCreateFillets Fillets Create a fillet between two lines
Sketcher_CompCreateRectangles Create rectangles Creates a rectangle in the sketch
Sketcher_CompCreateRegularPolygon Create regular polygon Create a regular polygon in the sketcher G, P, P
Sketcher_CompModifyKnotMultiplicity Modify knot multiplicity Modifies the multiplicity of the selected knot of a B-spline
Sketcher_ConnectLines Connect edges Tie the end point of the element with next element's starting point Z, J
Sketcher_ConstrainAngle Constrain angle Fix the angle of a line or the angle between two lines K, A
Sketcher_ConstrainBlock Constrain block Block constraint: block the selected edge from moving K, B
Sketcher_ConstrainCoincident Constrain coincident Create a coincident constraint on the selected item C
Sketcher_ConstrainDiameter Constrain diameter Fix the diameter of a circle or an arc K, O Proposal 'D'
Sketcher_ConstrainDistance Constrain distance Fix a length of a line or the distance between a line and a vertex K, D
Sketcher_ConstrainDistanceX Constrain horizontal distance Fix the horizontal distance between two points or line ends L
Sketcher_ConstrainDistanceY Constrain vertical distance Fix the vertical distance between two points or line ends I
Sketcher_ConstrainEqual Constrain equal Create an equality constraint between two lines or between circles and arcs E
Sketcher_ConstrainHorizontal Constrain horizontally Create a horizontal constraint on the selected item H
Sketcher_ConstrainInternalAlignment Constrain internal alignment Constrains an element to be aligned with the internal geometry of another element Formerly Crtl+A
Sketcher_ConstrainLock Constrain lock Create a lock constraint on the selected item K, L
Sketcher_ConstrainParallel Constrain parallel Create a parallel constraint between two lines P
Sketcher_ConstrainPerpendicular Constrain perpendicular Create a perpendicular constraint between two lines N
Sketcher_ConstrainPointOnObject Constrain point onto object Fix a point onto an object O
Sketcher_ConstrainRadiam Constrain auto radius/diameter Fix automatically diameter on circle and radius on arc/pole K, S
Sketcher_ConstrainRadius Constrain radius or weight Fix the radius of a circle or an arc or fix the weight of a pole of a B-Spline K, R Formerly R
Sketcher_ConstrainSnellsLaw Constrain refraction (Snell's law') Create a refraction law (Snell's law) constraint between two endpoints of rays and an edge as an interface. K, W
Sketcher_ConstrainSymmetric Constrain symmetrical Create a symmetry constraint between two points with respect to a line or a third point S
Sketcher_ConstrainTangent Constrain tangent Create a tangent constraint between two entities T
Sketcher_ConstrainVertical Constrain vertically Create a vertical constraint on the selected item V
Sketcher_Copy Copy Creates a simple copy of the geometry taking as reference the last selected point Z, C
Sketcher_Create3PointArc Create arc by three points Create an arc by its end points and a point along the arc G, 3, A
Sketcher_Create3PointCircle Create circle by three points Create a circle by 3 perimeter points G, 3, C
Sketcher_CreateArc Create arc by center Create an arc by its center and by its end points G, A
Sketcher_CreateArcOfEllipse Create an arc of ellipse Create an arc of ellipse in the sketch G, E, A
Sketcher_CreateArcOfHyperbola Create an arc of hyperbola Create an arc of hyperbola in the sketch G, H
Sketcher_CreateArcOfParabola Create an arc of parabola Create an arc of parabola in the sketch G, J
Sketcher_CreateBSpline Create B-spline Create a B-spline via control points in the sketch. G, B, B
Sketcher_CreateCircle Create circle Create a circle in the sketch G,C
Sketcher_CreateEllipseBy3Points Create ellipse by 3 points Create an ellipse by 3 points in the sketch G, 3, E
Sketcher_CreateEllipseByCenter Create ellipse by center Create an ellipse by center in the sketch G, E, E
Sketcher_CreateFillet Create fillet Create a fillet between two lines or at a coincident point G, F, F Formerly F
Sketcher_CreateHeptagon Create heptagon Create a heptagon in the sketch G, P, 7
Sketcher_CreateHexagon Create hexagon Create a hexagon in the sketch G, P, 6
Sketcher_CreateLine Create line Create a line in the sketch G, L
Sketcher_CreateOblong Create rounded rectangle Create a rounded rectangle in the sketch G, O
Sketcher_CreateOctagon Create octagon Create an octagon in the sketch G, P, 8
Sketcher_CreatePentagon Create pentagon Create a pentagon in the sketch G, P, 5
Sketcher_CreatePeriodicBSpline Create periodic B-spline Create a periodic B-spline via control points in the sketch. G, B, P
Sketcher_CreatePoint Create point Create a point in the sketch G, Y
Sketcher_CreatePointFillet Create corner-preserving fillet Fillet that preserves intersection point and most constraints G, F, P
Sketcher_CreatePolyline Create polyline Create a polyline in the sketch. 'M' Key cycles behavior G, M
Sketcher_CreateRectangle Create rectangle Create a rectangle in the sketch G, R
Sketcher_CreateRectangle_Center Create centered rectangle Create a centered rectangle in the sketch G, V
Sketcher_CreateRegularPolygon Create regular polygon Create a regular polygon in the sketch G, P, R
Sketcher_CreateSlot Create slot Create a slot in the sketch G, S
Sketcher_CreateSquare Create square Create a square in the sketch G, P, 4
Sketcher_CreateTriangle Create equilateral triangle Create an equilateral triangle in the sketch G, P, 3
Sketcher_DeleteAllConstraints Delete all constraints Delete all constraints in the sketch
Sketcher_DeleteAllGeometry Delete all geometry Delete all geometry and constraints in the current sketch, with the exception of external geometry
Sketcher_EditSketch Edit sketch Edit the selected sketch
Sketcher_Extend Extend edge Extend an edge with respect to the picked position G, Q
Sketcher_External External geometry Create an edge linked to an external geometry G, X
Sketcher_LeaveSketch Leave sketch Finish editing the active sketch
Sketcher_MapSketch Map sketch to face... Set the 'Support' of a sketch. First select the supporting geometry, for example, a face or an edge of a solid object, then call this command, then choose the desired sketch
Sketcher_MergeSketches Merge sketches Create a new sketch from merging two or more selected sketches.
Sketcher_MirrorSketch Mirror sketch Create a new mirrored sketch for each selected sketch by using the X or Y axes, or the origin point, as mirroring reference.
Sketcher_Move Move Moves the geometry taking as reference the last selected point Z, M Formerly Ctrl+M.
Sketcher_NewSketch Create sketch Create a new sketch
Sketcher_ProfilesHexagon1 Creates a hexagonal profile Creates a hexagonal profile in the sketch Command Sketcher_ProfilesHexagon1 not in use yet
Sketcher_RectangularArray Rectangular array Creates a rectangular array pattern of the geometry taking as reference the last selected point Z, A
Sketcher_RemoveAxesAlignment Remove axes alignment Modifies constraints to remove axes alignment while trying to preserve the constraint relationship of the selection Z, R
Sketcher_ReorientSketch Reorient sketch... Place the selected sketch on one of the global coordinate planes. This will clear the 'Support' property, if any.
Sketcher_RestoreInternalAlignmentGeometry Show/hide internal geometry Show all internal geometry or hide unused internal geometry Z, I
Sketcher_SelectConflictingConstraints Select conflicting constraints Select Conflicting Constraints Z, P, C
Sketcher_SelectConstraints Select associated constraints Select the constraints associated with the selected geometrical elements Z, K
Sketcher_SelectElementsAssociatedWithConstraints Select associated geometry Select the geometrical elements associated with the selected constraints Z, E
Sketcher_SelectElementsWithDoFs Select unconstrained DoF Select geometrical elements where the solver still detects unconstrained degrees of freedom. Z, F
Sketcher_SelectHorizontalAxis Select horizontal axis Select the local horizontal axis of the sketch Z, H Formerly Ctrl+Shift+H.
Sketcher_SelectMalformedConstraints Select malformed constraints Select malformed constraints Z, P, M Command Sketcher_SelectMalformedConstraints not in use yet
Sketcher_SelectOrigin Select origin Select the local origin point of the sketch Z, O Formerly Ctrl+Shift+O.
Sketcher_SelectPartiallyRedundantConstraints Select partially redundant constraints Select partially redundant constraints Z, P, P Command Sketcher_SelectPartiallyRedundantConstraints not in use yet
Sketcher_SelectRedundantConstraints Select redundant constraints Select redundant constraints Z, P, R
Sketcher_SelectVerticalAxis Select vertical axis Select the local vertical axis of the sketch Z, V Formerly Ctrl+Shift+V
Sketcher_Split Split edge Splits an edge into two while preserving constraints G, Z
Sketcher_StopOperation Stop operation When in edit mode, stop the active operation (drawing, constraining, etc.).
Sketcher_SwitchVirtualSpace Switch virtual space Switches the selected constraints or the view to the other virtual space Z, Z
Sketcher_Symmetry Symmetry Creates symmetric geometry with respect to the last selected line or point Z, S
Sketcher_ToggleActiveConstraint Activate/deactivate constraint Toggles activate/deactivate state for selected constraints K, Z Formerly Z.
Sketcher_ToggleConstruction Toggle construction geometry Toggles the toolbar or selected geometry to/from construction mode G, N
Sketcher_ToggleDrivingConstraint Toggle driving/reference constraint Set the toolbar, or the selected constraints, into driving or reference mode K, X
Sketcher_Trimming Trim edge Trim an edge with respect to the picked position G, T
Sketcher_ValidateSketch Validate sketch... Validate a sketch by looking at missing coincidences, invalid constraints, degenerated geometry, etc.
Sketcher_ViewSection View section When in edit mode, switch between section view and full view. Q, S
Sketcher_ViewSketch View sketch When in edit mode, set the camera orientation perpendicular to the sketch plane. Q, P

Spreadsheet Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1


The edit cell shortcut is F2. This shortcut cannot be changed, even in KDE.

The global workbench's cut/copy/paste shortcuts work in spreadsheet.

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Spreadsheet_AlignBottom Align bottom Bottom-align contents of selected cells
Spreadsheet_AlignCenter Align center Center-align contents of selected cells
Spreadsheet_AlignLeft Align left Left-align contents of selected cells
Spreadsheet_AlignRight Align right Right-align contents of selected cells
Spreadsheet_AlignTop Align top Top-align contents of selected cells
Spreadsheet_AlignVCenter Vertically center-align Vertically center-align contents of selected cells
Spreadsheet_CreateSheet Create spreadsheet Create a new spreadsheet
Spreadsheet_Export Export spreadsheet Export spreadsheet to CSV file
Spreadsheet_Import Import spreadsheet Import CSV file into spreadsheet
Spreadsheet_MergeCells Merge cells Merge selected cells
Spreadsheet_SetAlias Set alias Set alias for selected cell Ctrl+Shift+A
Spreadsheet_SplitCell Split cell Split previously merged cells
Spreadsheet_StyleBold Bold text Set text in selected cells bold
Spreadsheet_StyleItalic Italic text Set text in selected cells italic
Spreadsheet_StyleUnderline Underline text Underline text in selected cells

Start Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Start_StartPage Start Page Displays the start page in a browser view

Surface Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
Surface_CurveOnMesh Curve on mesh... Creates an approximated curve on top of a mesh. This command only works with a 'mesh' object.
Surface_ExtendFace Extend face Extrapolates the selected face or surface at its boundaries with its local U and V parameters.
Surface_Filling Filling... Creates a surface from a series of picked boundary edges. Additionally, the surface may be constrained by non-boundary edges and non-boundary vertices.
Surface_GeomFillSurface Fill boundary curves Creates a surface from two, three or four boundary edges.
Surface_Sections Sections... 24px Creates a surface from a series of sectional edges.

TechDraw Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Icon Description Shortcut Comment
TechDraw_2LineCenterLine Add Centerline between 2 Lines Add Centerline between 2 Lines
TechDraw_2PointCenterLine Add Centerline between 2 Points Add Centerline between 2 Points
TechDraw_2PointCosmeticLine Add Cosmetic Line Through 2 Points Add Cosmetic Line Through 2 Points
TechDraw_3PtAngleDimension Insert 3-Point Angle Dimension Insert 3-Point Angle Dimension
TechDraw_ActiveView Insert Active View (3D View) Insert Active View (3D View)
TechDraw_AngleDimension Insert Angle Dimension Insert Angle Dimension
TechDraw_Annotation Insert Annotation Insert Annotation
TechDraw_ArchView Insert Arch Workbench Object Insert a View of a Section Plane from Arch Workbench
TechDraw_Balloon Insert Balloon Annotation Insert Balloon Annotation
TechDraw_CenterLineGroup Insert Center Line Insert Center Line
TechDraw_ClipGroup Insert Clip Group Insert Clip Group
TechDraw_ClipGroupAdd Add View to Clip Group Add View to Clip Group
TechDraw_ClipGroupRemove Remove View from Clip Group Remove View from Clip Group
TechDraw_CosmeticEraser Remove Cosmetic Object Remove Cosmetic Object
TechDraw_CosmeticVertex Add Cosmetic Vertex Add Cosmetic Vertex
TechDraw_CosmeticVertexGroup Insert Cosmetic Vertex Insert Cosmetic Vertex
TechDraw_DecorateLine Change Appearance of Lines Change Appearance of selected Lines
TechDraw_DetailView Insert Detail View Insert Detail View
TechDraw_DiameterDimension Insert Diameter Dimension Insert Diameter Dimension
TechDraw_Dimension Insert Dimension Insert Dimension Command TechDraw_Dimension not in use yet
TechDraw_DraftView Insert Draft Workbench Object Insert a View of a Draft Workbench object
TechDraw_ExportPageDXF Export Page as DXF Export Page as DXF
TechDraw_ExportPageSVG Export Page as SVG Export Page as SVG
TechDraw_ExtensionAreaAnnotation Calculate the area of selected faces Select several faces - click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCascadeDimensionGroup Cascade Horizontal Dimensions Evenly space horizontal dimensions: - Specify the cascade spacing (optional) - Select two or more horizontal dimensions - The first dimension defines the position - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCascadeHorizDimension Cascade Horizontal Dimensions Evenly space horizontal dimensions: - Specify the cascade spacing (optional) - Select two or more horizontal dimensions - The first dimension defines the position - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCascadeObliqueDimension Cascade Oblique Dimensions Evenly space oblique dimensions: - Specify the cascade spacing (optional) - Select two or more parallel oblique dimensions - The first dimension defines the position - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCascadeVertDimension Cascade Vertical Dimensions Evenly space vertical dimensions: - Specify the cascade spacing (optional) - Select two or more vertical dimensions - The first dimension defines the position - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionChamferDimensionGroup Create Horizontal Chamfer Dimension Create a horizontal size and angle dimension for a chamfer: - Select two vertexes - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionChangeLineAttributes Change Line Attributes Change the attributes of cosmetic lines and centerlines: - Specify the line attributes (optional) - Select one or more lines - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCircleCenterLines Add Circle Centerlines Add centerlines to circles and arcs: - Specify the line attributes (optional) - Select one or more circles or arcs - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCircleCenterLinesGroup Add Circle Centerlines Add centerlines to circles and arcs: - Specify the line attributes (optional) - Select one or more circles or arcs - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCreateChainDimensionGroup Create Horizontal Chain Dimensions Create a sequence of aligned horizontal dimensions: - Select three or more vertexes - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCreateCoordDimensionGroup Create Horizontal Coordinate Dimensions Create multiple evenly spaced horizontal dimensions starting from the same baseline: - Specify the cascade spacing (optional) - Select three or more vertexes - The selection order of the first two vertexes determines the position of the baseline - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCreateHorizChainDimension Create Horizontal Chain Dimensions Create a sequence of aligned horizontal dimensions: - Select three or more vertexes - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCreateHorizChamferDimension Create Horizontal Chamfer Dimension Create a horizontal size and angle dimension for a chamfer: - Select two vertexes - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCreateHorizCoordDimension Create Horizontal Coordinate Dimensions Create multiple evenly spaced horizontal dimensions starting from the same baseline: - Specify the cascade spacing (optional) - Select three or more vertexes - The selection order of the first two vertexes determines the position of the baseline - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCreateLengthArc Create Arc Length Dimension Create an arc length dimension: - Select a single arc - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCreateObliqueChainDimension Create Oblique Chain Dimensions Create a sequence of aligned oblique dimensions: - Select three or more vertexes - The first two vertexes define the direction - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCreateObliqueCoordDimension Create Oblique Coordinate Dimensions Create multiple evenly spaced oblique dimensions starting from the same baseline: - Specify the cascade spacing (optional) - Select three or more vertexes - The selection order of the first two vertexes determines the position of the baseline - The first two vertexes also define the direction - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCreateVertChainDimension Create Vertical Chain Dimensions Create a sequence of aligned vertical dimensions: - Select three or more vertexes - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCreateVertChamferDimension Create Vertical Chamfer Dimension Create a vertical size and angle dimension for a chamfer: - Select two vertexes - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCreateVertCoordDimension Create Vertical Coordinate Dimensions Create multiple evenly spaced vertical dimensions starting from the same baseline: - Specify the cascade spacing (optional) - Select three or more vertexes - The selection order of the first two vertexes determines the position of the baseline - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionCustomizeFormat Customize Format Label Select a dimension or a balloon - click this tool - edit the Format field, using the keyboard and/or the special buttons
TechDraw_ExtensionDecreaseDecimal Decrease Decimal Places Decrease the number of decimal places of the dimension text: - Select one or more dimensions - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionDrawCirclesGroup Add Cosmetic Circle Add a cosmetic circle based on two vertexes: - Specify the line attributes (optional) - Select vertex 1 (center point) - Select vertex 2 (radius) - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionDrawCosmArc Add Cosmetic Arc Add a cosmetic counter clockwise arc based on three vertexes: - Specify the line attributes (optional) - Select vertex 1 (center point) - Select vertex 2 (radius and start angle) - Select vertex 3 (end angle) - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionDrawCosmCircle Add Cosmetic Circle Add a cosmetic circle based on two vertexes: - Specify the line attributes (optional) - Select vertex 1 (center point) - Select vertex 2 (radius) - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionDrawCosmCircle3Points Add Cosmetic Circle 3 Points Add a cosmetic circle based on three vertexes: - Specify the line attributes (optional) - Select 3 vertexes - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionExtendLine Extend Line Extend a cosmetic line or centerline at both ends: - Specify the delta distance (optional) - Select a single line - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionExtendShortenLineGroup Extend Line Extend a cosmetic line or centerline at both ends: - Specify the delta distance (optional) - Select a single line - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionHoleCircle Add Bolt Circle Centerlines Add centerlines to a circular pattern of circles: - Specify the line attributes (optional) - Select three or more circles forming a circular pattern - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionIncreaseDecimal Increase Decimal Places Increase the number of decimal places of the dimension text: - Select one or more dimensions - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionIncreaseDecreaseGroup Increase Decimal Places Increase the number of decimal places of the dimension text: - Select one or more dimensions - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionInsertDiameter Insert '⌀' Prefix Insert a '⌀' symbol at the beginning of the dimension text: - Select one or more dimensions - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionInsertPrefixGroup Insert '⌀' Prefix Insert a '⌀' symbol at the beginning of the dimension text: - Select one or more dimensions - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionInsertSquare Insert '□' Prefix Insert a '□' symbol at the beginning of the dimension text: - Select one or more dimensions - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionLinePPGroup Add Cosmetic Parallel Line Add a cosmetic line parallel to another line through a vertex: - Select a line - Select a vertex - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionLineParallel Add Cosmetic Parallel Line Add a cosmetic line parallel to another line through a vertex: - Select a line - Select a vertex - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionLinePerpendicular Add Cosmetic Perpendicular Line Add a cosmetic line perpendicular to another line through a vertex: - Select a line - Select a vertex - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionLockUnlockView Lock/Unlock View Lock or unlock the position of a view: - Select a single view - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionPosChainDimensionGroup Position Horizontal Chain Dimensions Align horizontal dimensions to create a chain dimension: - Select two or more horizontal dimensions - The first dimension defines the position - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionPosHorizChainDimension Position Horizontal Chain Dimensions Align horizontal dimensions to create a chain dimension: - Select two or more horizontal dimensions - The first dimension defines the position - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionPosObliqueChainDimension Position Oblique Chain Dimensions Align oblique dimensions to create a chain dimension: - Select two or more parallel oblique dimensions - The first dimension defines the position - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionPosVertChainDimension Position Vertical Chain Dimensions Align vertical dimensions to create a chain dimension: - Select two or more vertical dimensions - The first dimension defines the position - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionPositionSectionView Position Section View Orthogonally align a section view with its source view: - Select a single section view - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionRemovePrefixChar Remove Prefix Remove prefix symbols at the beginning of the dimension text: - Select one or more dimensions - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionSelectLineAttributes Select Line Attributes, Cascade Spacing and Delta Distance Select the attributes for new cosmetic lines and centerlines, and specify the cascade spacing and delta distance: - Click this tool - Specify the attributes, spacing and distance in the dialog box - Press OK
TechDraw_ExtensionShortenLine Shorten Line Shorten a cosmetic line or centerline at both ends: - Specify the delta distance (optional) - Select a single line - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionThreadBoltBottom Add Cosmetic Thread Bolt Bottom View Add a cosmetic thread to the top or bottom view of bolts/screws/rods: - Specify the line attributes (optional) - Select one or more circles - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionThreadBoltSide Add Cosmetic Thread Bolt Side View Add a cosmetic thread to the side view of a bolt/screw/rod: - Specify the line attributes (optional) - Select two parallel lines - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionThreadHoleBottom Add Cosmetic Thread Hole Bottom View Add a cosmetic thread to the top or bottom view of holes: - Specify the line attributes (optional) - Select one or more circles - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionThreadHoleSide Add Cosmetic Thread Hole Side View Add a cosmetic thread to the side view of a hole: - Specify the line attributes (optional) - Select two parallel lines - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionThreadsGroup Add Cosmetic Thread Hole Side View Add a cosmetic thread to the side view of a hole: - Specify the line attributes (optional) - Select two parallel lines - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtensionVertexAtIntersection Add Cosmetic Intersection Vertex(es) Add cosmetic vertex(es) at the intersection(s) of selected edges: - Select two edges (lines, circles and/or arcs) - Click this tool
TechDraw_ExtentGroup Insert Extent Dimension Insert Extent Dimension
TechDraw_FaceCenterLine Add Centerline to Faces Add Centerline to Faces
TechDraw_GeometricHatch Apply Geometric Hatch to Face Apply Geometric Hatch to a Face
TechDraw_Hatch Hatch a Face using Image File Hatch a Face using Image File
TechDraw_HorizontalDimension Insert Horizontal Dimension Insert Horizontal Dimension Shift+H
TechDraw_HorizontalExtentDimension Insert Horizontal Extent Dimension Insert Horizontal Extent Dimension
TechDraw_Image Insert Bitmap Image Insert Bitmap from a file into a page
TechDraw_LandmarkDimension Insert Landmark Dimension - EXPERIMENTAL Insert Landmark Dimension - EXPERIMENTAL
TechDraw_LeaderLine Add Leaderline to View Add Leaderline to View
TechDraw_LengthDimension Insert Length Dimension Insert Length Dimension
TechDraw_LinkDimension Link Dimension to 3D Geometry Link Dimension to 3D Geometry
TechDraw_Midpoints Add Midpoint Vertices Add Midpoint Vertices
TechDraw_MoveView Move View Move a View to a new Page
TechDraw_PageDefault Insert Default Page Insert Default Page
TechDraw_PageTemplate Insert Page using Template Insert Page using Template
TechDraw_ProjectShape Project shape... Project shape...
TechDraw_ProjectionGroup Insert Projection Group Insert multiple linked views of drawable object(s)
TechDraw_Quadrants Add Quadrant Vertices Add Quadrant Vertices
TechDraw_RadiusDimension Insert Radius Dimension Insert Radius Dimension
TechDraw_RedrawPage Redraw Page Redraw Page
TechDraw_RichTextAnnotation Insert Rich Text Annotation Insert Rich Text Annotation
TechDraw_SectionView Insert Section View Insert Section View
TechDraw_ShareView Share View Share a View on a second Page
TechDraw_ShowAll Show/Hide Invisible Edges Show/Hide Invisible Edges
TechDraw_SpreadsheetView Insert Spreadsheet View Insert View to a spreadsheet
TechDraw_Symbol Insert SVG Symbol Insert symbol from a SVG file
TechDraw_ToggleFrame Turn View Frames On/Off Turn View Frames On/Off
TechDraw_VerticalDimension Insert Vertical Dimension Insert Vertical Dimension Shift+V
TechDraw_VerticalExtentDimension Insert Vertical Extent Dimension Insert Vertical Extent Dimension
TechDraw_View Insert View Insert a View
TechDraw_WeldSymbol Add Welding Information to Leaderline Add Welding Information to Leaderline

Test Workbench

Up to date for FreeCAD 0.20.1

Command Name Description Shortcut Comment
Test_InsertFeature Insert a TestFeature Insert a TestFeature in the active Document
Test_Test Self-test... Runs a self-test to check if the application works properly
Test_TestAll Test all Runs all tests at once (can take very long!)
Test_TestAllText Test all Runs all tests at once (can take very long!)
Test_TestBase Test base Test the basic functions of FreeCAD
Test_TestBaseText Test base Test the basic functions of FreeCAD
Test_TestCreateMenu Add menu Test the menu stuff of FreeCAD
Test_TestDeleteMenu Remove menu Test the menu stuff of FreeCAD
Test_TestDoc Test Document Test the document (creation, save, load and destruction)
Test_TestDocText Test Document Test the document (creation, save, load and destruction)
Test_TestWork Test workbench Test the switching of workbenches in FreeCAD