Arch Barra de Refuerzo Recta

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Revision as of 12:17, 29 August 2021 by Heda (talk | contribs)

Arch Barra de Refuerzo en Forma de U

Ubicación en el Menú
Arch → Rebar tools
Entornos de trabajo
Atajo de teclado por defecto
Introducido en versión
Ver también
LShape Rebar


La herramienta Straight Rebar permite al usuario crear una barra de refuerzo recta en el elemento estructural.

The Arch Straight Rebar tool is also integrated into BIM Workbench.

This command is part of the Reinforcement Workbench, an external workbench that can be installed with the Addon Manager via the Tools → Addon manager → Reinforcement menu.


  1. Crear un elemento structure
  2. Seleccione cualquier cara de la estructura
  3. A continuación, seleccione Straight Rebar de las herramientas de la barra de refuerzo
  4. Aparecerá un panel de tareas en el lado izquierdo de la pantalla como se muestra a continuación
  5. Seleccione la orientación deseada
  6. Proporcione las entradas como la cubierta frontal, la cubierta lateral derecha, la cubierta lateral izquierda, la cubierta inferior y el diámetro de la barra de refuerzo
  7. Seleccione el modo de distribución, ya sea cantidad o espaciado
  8. Si se selecciona el espaciado, un usuario también puede optar por espaciado personalizado
  9. Coger cara seleccionada es usado para verificar o cambiar la cara para la distribución de barras de refuerzo
  10. Haga clic en OK o Apply para generar las barras de refuerzo
  11. Haga clic en Cancel para salir del panel de tareas

Taskview panel for the Arch Rebar Straight tool


  • DATOS Orientation: Decide la orientación de la barra de refuerzo (como una parte inferior, superior, derecha e izquierda).
  • DATOS Front Cover: la distancia entre la barra de refuerzo y la cara seleccionada.
  • DATOS Right Cover: la distancia entre el extremo derecho de la barra de refuerzo a la derecha de la estructura.
  • DATOS Left Cover: la distancia entre el extremo izquierdo de la barra de refuerzo a la cara izquierda de la estructura.
  • DATOS Cover along: estas propiedades le permiten al usuario especificar la tapa superior o inferior.
  • DATOS Bottom Cover: la distancia entre las barras de refuerzo desde la cara inferior de la estructura.
  • DATOS Top Cover: la distancia entre barras de refuerzo desde la cara superior de la estructura.
  • DATOS Amount: la cantidad de barras de refuerzo.
  • DATOS Spacing: la distancia entre los ejes de cada barra.


La herramienta Straight Rebar puede usarse en macros/es y desde la consola de python utilizando la siguiente función:

Rebar = makeStraightRebar(f_cover, coverAlong, rt_cover, lb_cover,
                          diameter, amount_spacing_check, amount_spacing_value, orientation="Horizontal",
                          structure=None, facename=None)
  • Creates a Rebar object from the given structure, which is an Arch Structure, and facename, which is a face of that structure.
    • If no structure nor facename are given, it will take the user selected face as input.
  • f_cover, coverAlong, rt_cover, and lb_cover are inner offset distances for the rebar elements with respect to the faces of the structure.
    • f_cover is the frontal cover offset.
    • coverAlong is a tuple (position, value) that defines the offset value in one position (top, bottom, left, right) depending on the orientation.
    • rt_cover is either the right or the top cover offset, depending on the value of coverAlong and orientation.
    • lb_cover is either the left or the bottom cover offset, depending on the value of coverAlong and orientation.
  • diameter is the diameter of the reinforcement bars inside the structure.
  • amount_spacing_check if it is True it will create as many reinforcement bars as given by amount_spacing_value; if it is False it will create reinforcement bars separated by the numerical value of amount_spacing_value.
  • amount_spacing_value specifies the number of reinforcement bars, or the value of the separation between them, depending on amount_spacing_check.
  • orientation specifies the orientation of the rebar; it can be "Horizontal" or "Vertical".

Depending on the orientation of the rebar, the function can be called in two general ways by setting coverAlong appropriately.

The rebar is horizontal

Rebar = makeStraightRebar(f_cover, ("Top Side", value), right_cover, left_cover, ...)
Rebar = makeStraightRebar(f_cover, ("Bottom Side", value), right_cover, left_cover, ...)
  • coverAlong is a tuple with either a "Top Side" or a "Bottom Side" offset value.
  • In this case rt_cover refers to the right_cover offset, and lb_cover refers to the left_cover offset.

The rebar is vertical

Rebar = makeStraightRebar(f_cover, ("Left Side", value), top_cover, bottom_cover, ...)
Rebar = makeStraightRebar(f_cover, ("Right Side", value), top_cover, bottom_cover, ...)
  • coverAlong is a tuple with either a "Left Side" or a "Right Side" offset value.
  • In this case rt_cover refers to the top_cover offset, and lb_cover refers to the bottom_cover offset.

Example horizontal

import Arch, Draft, StraightRebar

Structure = Arch.makeStructure(length=1000, width=1000, height=400)
Structure.ViewObject.Transparency = 80

Rebar = StraightRebar.makeStraightRebar(50, ("Bottom Side", 20), 100, 100,
                                        12, True, 5, "Horizontal", Structure, "Face4")
Rebar.ViewObject.ShapeColor = (0.9, 0.0, 0.0)

Rebar2 = StraightRebar.makeStraightRebar(50, ("Bottom Side", 50), 100, 100,
                                         12, True, 5, "Horizontal", Structure, "Face6")
Rebar2.ViewObject.ShapeColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.9)

Example vertical

import Arch, Draft, StraightRebar

Structure2 = Arch.makeStructure(length=1000, width=1000, height=400)
Structure2.ViewObject.Transparency = 80
Draft.move(Structure2, FreeCAD.Vector(1500, 0, 0))

Rebar3 = StraightRebar.makeStraightRebar(50, ("Left Side", 20), 100, 100,
                                         12, True, 5, "Vertical", Structure2, "Face4")
Rebar3.ViewObject.ShapeColor = (0.9, 0.5, 0.0)

Rebar4 = StraightRebar.makeStraightRebar(50, ("Left Side", 50), 100, 100,
                                         12, True, 5, "Vertical", Structure2, "Face6")
Rebar4.ViewObject.ShapeColor = (0.0, 0.5, 0.5)

Cambiando las propiedades de la barra de refuerzo recta.

editStraightRebar(Rebar, f_cover, coverAlong, rt_cover, lb_cover,
                  diameter, amount_spacing_check, amount_spacing_value, orientation,
                  structure=None, facename=None)
  • Rebar is a previously created StraightRebar object.
  • The other parameters are the same as required by the makeStraightRebar() function.
  • structure and facename may be omitted so that the rebar stays in the original structure.


import StraightRebar

StraightRebar.editStraightRebar(Rebar, 50, ("Top Side", 20), 100, 100,
                                24, True, 7, "Horizontal")

StraightRebar.editStraightRebar(Rebar2, 50, ("Top Side", 50), 100, 100,
                                24, True, 7, "Horizontal")

StraightRebar.editStraightRebar(Rebar3, 50, ("Right Side", 20), 100, 100,
                                24, True, 7, "Vertical")

StraightRebar.editStraightRebar(Rebar4, 50, ("Right Side", 50), 100, 100,
                                24, True, 7, "Vertical")