C++ code testing

From FreeCAD Documentation

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Beginning in late 2022 the developers of FreeCAD incorporated the Google Test (gtest) testing framework into FreeCAD builds. This enables direct testing of the C++ code itself, without having to go through the Python wrappers (as was the case previously). This wiki page is intended as a simple, practical introduction to testing C++ code using Google Test. As a developer gains experience with the framework, they will likely be interested in more advanced techniques: see Further Reading, below.

Overview of Testing with Google Test

The basic premise of Google Test is that each individual test is wholly standalone. Test must be designed to be independent of one another: the order tests are run should never be relied on (in fact, many IDEs support running individual tests by clicking a "run" button next to the test function, so it is often the case that only a single test is run). A test writer uses a set of macros defined within Google Test to construct the individual tests: those macros ultimately expand into entire classes that are responsible for setup, teardown, and running of the test.

Test Basics

At its most simple, a test suite for a class "MyClass" in module "MyMod" consists of a file in tests/src/Mod/MyMod/MyClass.cpp containing the gtest include, the class header file include, and one or more individual tests, instantiated via the TEST macro. For example:

#include "gtest/gtest.h"

#include "App/License.h"

TEST(License, AllRightsReserved)
    auto lic = App::License{App::License::Type::AllRightsReserved};
    ASSERT_EQ(lic.getType(), App::License::Type::AllRightsReserved);
    ASSERT_EQ(lic.getLicense(), "All rights reserved");
    ASSERT_EQ(lic.getUrl(), "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_rights_reserved");

This file is referenced in the CMakeLists.txt file in the tests/src/Mod/MyMod/ directory:


Compiling the tests

The FreeCAD cMake scripts use the variable BUILD_TEST to determine whether to compile the tests during a build. If that variable is ON, the test executables are compiled when compiling FreeCAD.

Further Reading

  • Google Test: Advanced Topics: https://google.github.io/googletest/advanced.html
  • Feathers, Michael. Working Effectively with Legacy Code. ISBN: 978-0131177055
  • Beck, Kent. Test-Driven Development. ISBN: 978-0321146533
  • Langr, Jeff. Modern C++ Programming with Test-Driven Development. 978-1937785482